Chapter 3

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"How could she do this to us?" I said softly.

"Huh?" Deku asks.

"It's nothing, just thinking out loud," I expressed.

"Oh, okay. Is everything alright?" He pondered.


I didn't know what to say. All I could think about was Hunter's decision to join Bitoshi. Why would she ever accept him? We swore to never even speak his name again.

"My sister is just getting on my everloving nerves. She broke a promise we made when we were little, and I just don't understand why."

Maybe that was a little too much information, but he didn't seem to mind it.

"Well, I just want you to know that I'm here if you ever need to talk about anything," Deku's face flushes a bright red.

"Thanks, and the same to you, I'll always be there for you, ya' know, if you need it," I reply stupidly.

Ugh, what is wrong with me?! I can't just say, 'Oh okay well me too,' you had to make it more complicated?! "Are you in your head again, seriously? You foolish child, you never learn. You should honestly be more like your sister, after all, she did do the right thing." No, dad, she didn't. Can't you just leave me alone like I've asked you to do so many times? "Oh, darling you know I absolutely cannot. You are the one I need, she's just a bonus. I know soon that you will accept me into your life once more." No, I won't. There is nothing in this world that will make me turn to you again. I can't, I won't, and there isn't a thing you can do about it. Do you understand me?! "Oh, my precious daughter, you have never been more wrong in your life than you are right now." I've made up my mind, dad! I told you I won't, so I'm not going to! "Just you wait my darling."

And with that his voice had left my head. I never understood how he could reach into my mind so easily, but it really is annoying. Deku poked my shoulder and asked me if I was okay again, and that's when I realized we were already in his dorm, sitting on his couch.

"So, what movie do you wanna watch?" I inquire.

"You're the guest! It's up to you, Rose!" He exclaims.

"Oh, um, okay. Have you ever seen, um, I forgot what it's called. Oh! Ten Deadly Commandments? I know it's not a movie, but I love it so much," I ask excitedly.

"Maybe, like, the first season, I'm not much of a realism watcher. I like shows like Super Unnatural, The Walking Zombies, The Witch, just stuff like that. But I have seen The First Airbending, My Superhero Academy, and Two Pieces."

I honestly love it when he talks. His voice is so pretty.

"Yeah, me too. We can watch Super Unnatural if you would like. My favorite character is Dane, he's so traumatized and it makes me sad. I've only seen up to the part where that one kid gets birthed but comes out a grown man. What's his name again?" I ask.

"Jake, and you have a huge surprise for you at the end if your favorite is Dane."

Deku says that with wide eyes and a concerned look on his face, and it worries me to death.

"Does something happen to him?!" I practically yell.

"No, no, no. I'm just saying, you're gonna be super shocked," he explains.

"I swear on my life if he dies I'm suing Derrick Crispy."

I relate to Dane Manchester so well it's almost insane. Except for the whole hunting monsters thing, unless you count my father.

"Which you've let into your head again. When will you learn, Rosie?" Oh my god, Bitoshi, can you please leave me alone? I'm trying to have a good night, so stop trying to ruin it! "That's what I'm here for. Izuku Midoriya is absolutely no good for you. You need a villain, just like your sister." My sister likes Todoroki, who is a superhero. Seems like you don't know her that well. You should just leave us alone. "Once again, you are wrong my precious little devil. She does not have an ounce of feeling for that piece of garbage." Seriously, you don't live with her, and you don't know her. She has been obsessed with Todoroki since day one. "You're thinking of the wrong brother my darling." What are you talking about? Shoto's brother doesn't even go to the school, and he's much older than her. She's never even met him before. Can you stop? "Shoto has more than one brother, you know that, correct?" No, he doesn't. Stop gaslighting me dad, and leave me alone!

"Hey, Rose, you okay?" Deku interrupts my thoughts.

"Oh thank god. I mean, yeah, I am, sorry."

"Ya' know we don't have to do this, right? We can just go to sleep if you're that worried, or you can go home if you want, that's okay too," he tells me.

"No! It's okay, I can do it. I really like hanging out with you, Izuku," I smile as I stare into his eyes.

He looks away before I do, and I quickly get embarrassed.

"So, Super Unnatural?" He gives a half smile.

"Yeah!" I exclaim.

~ 7 Episodes Later ~
~ Deku ~

"It's half past midnigh-" I start to say as I look over to Roseline.

Oh, she's asleep. I slowly get up from under her and carefully pick her up. She automatically rests her head on my shoulder and I walk as gentle as I can to my room to lay her down.

"You're so pretty, you know that, right?" I tell her even though I know she can't hear a word I'm saying to her.

She's the most beautiful girl I have ever seen before in my whole entire life. Now is the time I realize that my room is an absolute mess?! I have got to get this cleaned up before she wakes up tomorrow! I don't want her to think I'm a messy person! I'm not! I don't know how this happened! I haven't even been in here since this morning! Making sure she's tucked in and sound asleep, I pick up my clothes off the floor and fold them nice and neat back into my dresser. I straighten up my desk and put my notebooks back in order. How did they get like this? I swear everything was fine this morning. Tacking one of my All Might posters back up, I notice a hole in my wall the size of a bullet. Someone has been here. Someone had a gun in my room. More than one person had to be in here, why would someone shoot a gun in here if there wasn't? What happened in my room?

"No! No! Please, stop it, don't do this!" Roseline screams, and it scares the absolute crap out of me.

"Roseline, Roseline, hey. Are you okay?" I continuously shake her and all of a sudden she sits up screaming at the top of her lungs.

Standing right over her, we instantly knock heads and I fall backwards onto the floor.

"Ow!" We yelp in unison.

She's trembling and I don't know what to do.

"Rose, what's wrong?"

She's uncontrollably sobbing so I decide to lay her gently back down, climb in bed with her, and hold her. She calms down after about twenty minutes and I think she's asleep again. I still can't help but think about someone being in my room. It isn't safe for her here, but I don't know how to tell her that. I won't wake her up again after what just happened, so I guess I'm gonna have to stay up.

"I hope you sleep better this time."

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