4 - Business in the city

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(DAMN! 145 reads? Thank you everyone.)

[5:24 PM]

Dante was slowly pacing across the city, trying to find the right address. "It should be somewhere here..." He said, as he was looking around. "Seriously, how many buildings are here?"

He slowly paced around making sure he wont miss it. "jackpot." He said when he finally found the right house and knocked on the door gently.

The doors were gently open by a woman that appeared to be in her 30 that had very similar features to Anzu with a quite striking difference, she didn't appear to be Asian. "Yes? how can i help you young man?" She spoke softly.

"Good afternoon Ms. Hirano. I'm one of Anzu's classmates. I'm here to return her wallet she left at school." Said Dante politely with a small smile on his face as he pulled out her wallet from his pocket.

"Oh this is very kind of you young man. Let me get her alright?" She said before Turning around slightly her face facing the inside of the house. "Anzu!"

She picked her head from her room. "Yeah mom?"

"You have a visitor." Anzu's mom said as she moved aside slightly making sure she could see Dante standing in front of the front door.

"Dante?" She asked as she approached the front door "What are you doing here? Wait scrap that. how did you get here? Were you following me?" She asked while lifting an eyebrow.

"Anzu you can't just accuse people of things like that!" Anzu's mom said as she turned towards her daughter with her hands on her hips.

"It's okay really no harm done Ms. Hirano." He said before turning to Anzu herself. "As for you you lost your wallet." He said while lifting it almost to her face.

"Yeah yeah for sure i didn't lose my wallet, i have it right..." She started to pat her pockets trying to find it but upon checking all of them she realized that it was in fact her wallet. "Heh would you look at that. Guess it is mine." She said as she took it while laughing with awkwardness. "Thanks."

"Maybe you want to come in young man? Could i offer you something to drink?" Anzu's mom asked.

"No there's no need. Besides i still have some things to do. maybe another time." Dante responded while fixing the bag on his shoulder.

"Well then have fun during your music lesson." Ms. Hirano said with a smile.

Dante froze for a split second wondering 'What does she mean by that.' Before remembering that he had his gear hidden in the guitar case. "Oh right. thank you Ms. Hirano Have a great day." He gave her a little bow before turning towards Anzu and waving her goodbye and walking off. "See you tomorrow in school, freckle face."

"See ya." Anzu gently closed the door behind him before shifting her gaze to her mom only to see her smile.

"So this is the "friend" you told me about." She said with a small chuckle. "He is both respectful and can play a guitar. You sure chose well."

"MOM!" Anzu quickly turned towards her. "We're not even friends yet. He barely joined today." but her anger quickly disappeared when she reminded herself of one thing 'He said that he uses that case to carry his gear around. I just have to check what he is up to!'

"Yeah yeah whatever you say." Her mom said while still chuckling. "Well I'm going back to work. Money won't earn itself."

"Can I go out?" Anzu asked quickly with a blank stare.

"Sure, I don't see why not. Just be back by 9 alright?" Her mom said right before entering her home office again.

"Thanks mom. Love ya bye!" Anzu screamed out as she quickly put on her shoes and ran out of the house.

My Hero Academia: Dante's Awekening (MHA X DMC)Where stories live. Discover now