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Jungkook let out a chuckle and looked at Taehyung again,

Jungkook took out his phone and shows taehyung's messages,

Taehyung hissed in embarrassment, "if i receive dms like this again i won't hesitate kissing you" jungkook said and Taehyung chocked on air at the last one, "now you can leave" jungkook said and Taehyung immediately left ignoring he almost tripped in hurry making jungkook laugh,

"heyy is everything okay?" jimin asked, "yeah I'm okay" Taehyung said and smiled, jimin let out a smile too

"here strawberry cake for you cuz you love it!" jimin said giving him a piece of cake, "this is from my favourite bakery, thanks jimin" Taehyung said smiling takin the box happily,

Taehyung flinched when jimin tucked his curly hair behind his ear, Taehyung awkwardly smiled, avoiding eyecontact,


Taehyung is standing outside the office as he is given extra shift today he's in so much badluck that his car broke down,

Taehyung is patiently waiting for a taxi to appear as he can't even book uber cuz his phone died,

A black car stopped infront of him and Taehyung ignored it even though its his favourite car, "someone needs lift?" Jungkook spoke while sliding down the window, now Taehyung is cursing his existence more than anything,

Taehyung had no choice but to accept his boss's lift as he's already starving,

"here!" jungkook handled him a box of pizza!, Taehyung was confused how does he knows tae is hungry?

"it's okay you can eat it here, i have some work to do in local areas here" jungkook said, Taehyung is still confused first jungkook picked him up now he offered him pizza and allowing him to eat it in his car,

"you can stop thinking and eat it'll get cold" jungkook spoke not avoiding his gaze from front, Taehyung began to eat it because he's already starving he can't let jungkook hear his stomach growls,

Jungkook played a song as Taehyung again looked at him while pickin up the 2nd piece,

"put your hands in holes of my sweater~~~" jungkook began to sing as Taehyung sighs, he knew jungkook is a good singer this man is perfect,

"if may i just take your breath away~~~" jungkook continued,

"i don't mind if there's not much to say~~~" Taehyung added,

"sometimes the silence guides a mind~~~" jungkook continued,

"so move to the place so far away~~~" Taehyung added,

"the goosebumps started to raise~~~" jungkook continued,

Taehyung is blushing like a red tomato cuz jungkook is singing along with him while looking at him and at the same time driving, he's skilled,

"Is your phone dead?" Jungkook asked, "yeah!" Taehyung replied still eating, "give me I'll charge it here!" jungkook said and Taehyung handed him his phone,

Jungkook put it on charging and kept it near, Taehyung phone started in few seconds displaying his wallpaper,

Taehyung's breath stopped as jungkook saw it too,

"Taehyung you fucking piece of shit he saw it now you embarrassed yourself" Taehyung starting cursing himself,

Jungkook decided not to say anything he continued to drive, the car again in pin drop silence,

Jungkook phone started to ring, Taehyung peeked to see who called he again turned his head to the window when he saw the caller i'd it's his bestfriend,

"jungkook where are you?"
"I'm in car driving home"
"why are you takin multiple turns then?"
"are you stalking me?"
"shut up this is sick"

Jungkook raised his voice and throws his phone back seats angrily Taehyung flinched as he's getting more awkward and awkward,

Taehyung can see jungkook's perfect jawline as he's gritting his teeth his eyes mad,

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 03 ⏰

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