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Taehyung got a text message from his boss and he was shocked seeing it

"Taehyung you're fired"

Taehyung was about to type something

'This user has blocked you'

Taehyung felt angry as he immediately made his way out of the room, "Taehyung what happened?" lia asked, "i don't know my stupid boss fired me without any reason you know i have to pay my bills! I'm going to talk to him" Taehyung said and he remembered something "omg! My car engine broke" Taehyung smacked his head,

"don't worry i will drop you as you said you're fired and it's important!" jungkook said and he took his car keys Taehyung had no choice his job is at risk,

The ride is silent, jungkook is driving to taehyung's work place,

Soon they reached and Taehyung barged out of the car and walked into his office,

After 34 minutes~

Jungkook is waiting patiently and soon Taehyung came back with the same angry face,

"is everything okay?" Jungkook asked
"okay my a$$" Taehyung replied,
"he fired me without any reason and shouting at me in return" Taehyung continued angrily looking like a angry cub, "chill!" "shut the fck up" Taehyung cut off jungkook who chuckled in return,

"what's so funny?" Taehyung asked, jungkook nodded as 'nothing'

"you can join my company!" jungkook said and Taehyung's face dropped into sadness, "you're saying it on purpose" Taehyung said and jungkook's face turned to blank one, "Its only temporarily until you get new job! I promise no one will trouble you!" jungkook said Taehyung had no choice again he has to agree for this offer because he really have so many bills to pay,

Taehyung lays his head on the seat sleeping in tiredness as he didn't slept all night,

He felt a hand rubbing his right thigh he flinched and opened his eyes he saw the car stopped and jungkook's hand slowly caressing his right thigh with a smirk on his face,

Oh god he is so attractive Taehyung thought to himself,

Taehyung felt himself shaking slightly as he felt jungkook's hand rubbing it in circular motion finding its way to taehyung's cr**ch area, tae bites his lip preventing himself from m**ning he failed and let out a shaky m**n, jungkook smirked and he started rubbing taehyung's clothed m**ber, Taehyung felt shivers he loved it he felt ashamed yet couldn't help,

"TAEHYUNG?" Jungkook called out for the 5th time finally Taehyung opened his eyes and saw jungkook staring at him confused with bambi eyes, tae found himself sweating and pr*c*m leaking in his pants he felt embarrassed as he quickly closed his legs he noticed that jungkook is staring at the wetness between his legs, he quickly pushed the car door and walked into his house,

Taehyung quickly lays on his bed with crying face he felt all the emotions rushing through his body as soon he started drinking v*dka due to overwhelmed emotions,

Taehyung pick up his phone and got a snap from lia,

It's a photo of her and jungkook cuddling with a caption "my man" Taehyung felt extremely jealous as he starting taking harsh sips,

Taehyung unblocked jungkook from his contacts in that unstable mind and he's staring at jungkook's profile picture with sad red eyes,

"could be us jungkook but you ruined it" Taehyung said leaving tantrums at the photo,

Taehyung can't help but text jungkook with shaky hands he just can't even see properly,

Yoy look hot
Can we f**k

Taehyung wtf?

Stop playing

What are you doing?

Thinkin of you

Are you okay?

I need d**k

Im taken wtf is wrong with you

It's okay
Come to my home

What happened to you?

I need d**k in my a$$
Slamming into me all night
While i scream and cry

Are you dr**k?

Stop asking questions

Where are you?

My home

I'm taken man




Are you dr**king????

Hmm hmm

What's with you?

Taehyung drifted into sleep on the chair,

"OMG YOU FKED UP!!!!" Taehyung woke up with him pulling his hair in frustration and embarrassment

Taehyung immediately blocked jungkook again and switched off his phone,

Taehyung had no choice again because he has to go for interview at his new company

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