Aiden and Jakes DMS guys!!!

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Aiden: Woah now, don't get your panties in a twist

Jake: Kind of wish Rosa was put onto the season instead of you

Aiden: Eat shit

Aiden: DM's.

Jake: Oh, scary 😱

Ashley: Oh my goodness.... 😓

Aiden: Alright, seriously, what the fuck is your problem?

Jake: Hmm?

Jake: Come again?

Aiden: You clearly have an issue with me.

Aiden: Why?


Aiden: You're jealous, right?

Jake: ...

Aiden: Tom already said he has a boyfriend, leave him the hell alone.

Aiden: I'm sorry, but he has. very clearly, moved on from your history.

Aiden: But stop bringing me into it.

Jake: You know, Aiden.

Jake: At first, I was jealous. But now that i've seen you in play, I can see why others hate you too.

Aiden: Like they don't hate you!!

Jake: At least I can come to terms with it.

Jake: You constantly piss people off, not to mention you were ready to cry when you found out James was booted.

Aiden: What.

Jake: At least now I can hate you for reasons that aren't to do with jealousy.

Aiden: What is wrong with you?!

Aiden: We could've talked this out like adults, but noooo, Jake is too high and mighty, so he needs to drag it out.

Jake: Adults??

Jake: You baby talked James in your interview, cried when James was eliminated, and you think you're an adult??

Jake: I've had my fair share of embarrassing moments, but you??

Jake: Yeah...kay.

Aiden: Whatever.

James: Don't talk to my boyfriend like that, you fiend.

Ellie: Omg you guys are such fuck ups 😭

Jake: Shut up, Ellie!!

Aiden: Shut up, Ellie!!


Omg, two chapters in ONE WEEK.




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