Chapter 5: Leaving

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Cassius' POV...

As I watch her go, I slam the creaky door and enjoy the brief silence. My mom isn't here, and my dad...not possible.

I stare at Evie's half-eaten, disgusting sandwich that I had bought from 711 for myself—what, it was cheap. And to be completely honest, she didn't like it, and neither did I. Shoulda saved up more money for a better sandwich. For myself.

I can't get my mind off Evie— her amber eyes bloodshot from tears, her hair tangled up.

It was an uncanny sight, for this modest girl to be so...messed up.

I'll admit, I don't like her. At all. But she's a good person, a naive one even. The last thing I expected was to see her cry.

I didn't like that, either. And, frankly, it irritates me.

Mom's still not back. I pour some champagne for myself, and attempt to pin my eyes on the cup so I don't spill it over.

A fly lands near me and I try to slap it when—

"Cassius." a voice whispers directly in my ears. It's creamy and sweet, licking at my ears.

I let the fly go.

And my legs turn to ice. It doesn't belong to anyone I know—not Mom's. And not Dad's, so I'm not being haunted by his ghost for what I've done after he died.

"Cassius," It repeats, this time not a whisper but an audible groan.

I'm imagining this. I'm imagining this—

"No, you're're awfully calm for someone who's about to die." the voice sighs, and I realize that I've muttered it aloud. My mouth snaps shut. I won't, I can't say a thing. "Look behind you."

I do as told, because this is not some freakish movie scene. Probably. And there's nothing. Just four bland walls and a cupboard also made out of wood.

And a black scythe.

I'm not taking this anymore, whatever is going on. I bolt towards the exit and hope for the best.

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