Chapter 8: FREEFALL.

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It doesn't take long for me to realize the screaming in the background is from myself.

I'm leaning against Raphael. I'm literally being caught by someone I don't know. Which is supposed to be disgusting, but I can't care less.

Especially when I'm now floating hundreds of meters above the ground, diving towards God knows where.

I look up and gasp even more—-giant, pure wings, which every beat causes a gust of wind to slam into my face.

I can't even be mad now. I turn to Raphael, the only person I know up in the sky. And the wings...belong to him.

There's a third eye sprouting out of his forehead, along with an oval disk hovering over his head...

Shit, shit, shit.

He gasps too. "Okay, relax. Everything you think I am is true."

I try to speak, but my mouth doesn't budge. The wind makes my head buzz in pain.

"Just...don't faint or anything. Please."

I feel nauseous. And he confirms my worst fears, or best hope.

"Yes, yes, y-you've probably guessed it already..."

I'm going to faint.

"I'm an angel."

Another gust of wind slams into my face. This isn't a dream.

For the first time in my life, I don't know how to respond. And I just stare. His red, flaming eyes meet mine.

"Hold on tight." he sighs, gesturing down below. "We're going down." He looks down to a mountain, that mountain. And strangely, my mouth snaps shut and I hold my breath.

A green dot beneath me.

My whole life in Calloway Manor, I'd been admiring how mighty this mountain was, how picturesque it would be to get on it. But mostly because mountains were rare in Agodon. And now, it's a fucking dot to me. That I'm about to plummet downwards too.

It's all so...SMALL.

"I'm sorry," his voice hushed so it's an audible whisper. And then he spreads his wings. I catch a glimpse of him—under the sun, his golden hair gleams. And his pearl-white wings loom over my body. Shit. I look like an idiot.

I shudder, and then another burst of wind hurls me downwards.

I'm falling.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 29 ⏰

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