Chapter One

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A/N: The timeline doesn't follow the one in the show so just keep that in mind <3 Hope you guys enjoy :)

It was a monday morning, Aaron Hotchner, the unit chief of the BAU (Behavioural Analysis Unit) walked into the bullpen with a cup of large coffee in his hand. "Morning Sir!" Garcia said with a big smile on her face. "Morning, Garcia." His face remained solemn.

He walked up the stairs and walked into his office. A few minuted later Agent Jennifer Jareau walked into his office, "Hotch, someone's here for you."
"Who?" Hotch was not expecting anyone today...
"I'll just send them up."
"Alright, thanks JJ."

"Hi... Uh, Agent Aaron Hotchner?" the woman said.
"Hi, how do you do?" He smiled.
"Uh, Agent Emily Prentiss. We met in our teenage years, I-" Emily introduced herself.
"Yes I remember you, how is your mother? Is she well?"
"Yes sir..."
They fell into an awkward silence.
"So... how can I help you?"
"I'm supposed to start here in the BAU today, I was wondering where I could put my stuff."
Aaron, confused walked out the door and into David Rossi's office, leaving emily even more puzzled. "Who sent her here? I didn't authorise this."
"Oh, Agent Prentiss? You did Aaron. Last months remember?" Rossi sighed," This is why you need to go home earlier and sleep. Those eyebags are heavier than the weights that Morgan lifts." Aaron scoffed but chuckled.

Hotch made his way back to his office, the girl was waiting patiently in his chair, fiddling with her fingernails. "My apologies, follow me." Hotch said, Emily simply nodded.

"This is Doctor Spencer Reid, Reid, this is SSA Emily Prentiss," Aaron introduced the two, "This is your desk, get yourself settled, Reid will bring you to the round table in ten."

"Nice to meet you Prentiss." Reid smiled.
"Emily is fine, how are you?" Emily asked.
"You know, I woke up fine since I had more than three hours of sleep however a book that I read last night made me wonder how males and females can behave in a certain way. Like for example they could suddenly-" Reid got caught off.
"I'm so sorry about him, Derek Morgan, pleased to meet you." Morgan introduced himself.
Emily chuckled, "no apologies necessary."

Morgan, Reid and Prentiss walked into the round table together. Hotch, Rossi and JJ was already sitting down, discussing a few topics regarding the case. Everyone took their seats, Emily was quite fond about the bond within the team. It is clear that they are a tight knit, she almost felt as it she was intruding... maybe thats why Hotch acted so cold around her.

Penelope Garcia strutted into the room with her pink high heels. 'what a character', Emily thought.

"This horrific case is in Idaho, a 16 year old girl Kaylee Brown was sadly murdered at night, her parents and siblings are still inside and very much alive." Penelope said, horrified.
"Prentiss, tell us more about it." Hotch fixed his gaze on Emily.
"Well, it is clearly personal since her family member are still well and alive, happened during the night and based on the stab wounds, it looks as if they were hesitant, maybe the unsub knows the Kaylee personally and she did something that triggered his emotions." Emily said confidently.
Hotch nodded in agreement, the rest of the team kept quiet, not knowing what Hotch wanted to do. The team liked Emily in an instant, however they sensed that Hotch felt otherwise.

"Wheels up in 30." Aaron said his final words before getting up from his seat.

"Aaron." Rossi caught up with the guy. "Why pick on her?" Rossi asked.
"What do you mean?" Hotch raised an eyebrow.
"Clearly, you two have history..."
"We do not... We did meet before. I was her bodyguard back in Paris. I was 19, her mother hired me to be Emily's personal bodyguard along with one other guy."
"And?" Rossi continued, "there's clearly more to the story than that."
"There isn't." Aaron scoffed.

In the jet, Emily sat at the corner, alone. After going over the case, there was only ten minutes left until landing. JJ approached Emily,"Don't mind his behaviour, he has trouble trusting new people, give it time." JJ smiled.
"Yeah no I get that, I'm the same so I completely understand Aaron's feelings." Emily reassured JJ.
"Sorry, Aaron?"
"Hotchner. Pardon me." Emily gulped.
Aaron heard, he sat at the other side of the jet. Everyone either had headphones on or taking a quick nap, leaving the jet completely silent. Their whole conversation was heard by Hotch. He never thought he will see Emily again after Paris. To him it was old news...

The jet landed and the team made their way to the police station. "Morgan and Reid, go to the site and see what you can gather there. JJ go and call the families, Prentiss you're with me interviewing Kaylee's classmates."  Hotch ordered.
"If it's alright with you sir, I'd like to go with Morgan and Reid." Prentiss asked."
"Prentiss, you do what I say is that clear? If I say you stay, you stay. You are new to the team and I need to see whether or not you belong in the team. You are staying. Is that clear?" Hotch never broke eye contact.
"Yes sir." She sighed.
The team knew that Hotch has trouble letting people in, but they didn't know it was that serious. What Prentiss asked wasn't a life and death situation, it shouldn't matter much, Hotch was overreacting.

"Parker Lim, what classes do you have with Kaylee?" Aaron started.
"Uhm, I don't know." The boy looked down to the floor.
"Are you close with Kaylee? Do you talk often?"
"I... don't really-"
"You want a soda Parker?" Emily butted in.
Emily felt Hotch's eyes on her but she remained on Parker. "A Pepsi would be nice." The boy replied.
"You betcha." Emily smiled.
Emily walked away from the room, and so did Hotch, "excuse me, Parker." The two agents walked out, Emily knew Hotch was going to give her another speech. "Sir, before you say anything, let me explain."
"I am finding it very hard to trust you Agent Prentiss, I thought it was implied earlier, let me take the lead. You listen to what I say, do not act on a whim." Aaron was getting angrier by the minute.
"Sir, Parker is clearly intimidated by us, we have to ewrn his trust. He kept saying 'I don't know' but we both know he has an answer, he just didnt trust us enough." Emily remained calm and stern, "I had to break the ice, I offered him a soda, it will most definitely earn trust and he will confide."
Aaron didn't say a word, he simply looked her up and down and walked back into the room.

After the case, the air within the group is noticeably different. Hotch's reaction to Prentiss' entrance to the team made the whole group wonder.

The jet landed back in Quantico, Virginia. "Good work everybody, go home." Aaron said. He made his was to Section Chief Erin Strauss' office. Emily saw him walk into the room, she hoped to get a word in with Hotch. She made her way up the stairs and waited in his office... Rossi, noticed this action. He was skeptical, he noticed how comfortable Emily was, however Aaron doesn't seem too happy about it.

After a couple hours went by, Emily finally heard footsteps going up the stairs. Aaron opened his door and was caught off-guard, putting his right hand on his gun holster, but quickly relaxed when he realised who it was. "You..." Aaron said.

wordcount: 1312
A/N: Hope you enjoyed the first chapter :) have a good rest of your day! Next chapter will be up ASAP <3

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