Don't Go

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He definetly took advantage of the shower. He's been in there for almost two hours now.

Just as I was getting ready to knock on the door, I heard the shower turn off.


The door opened a crack, and he stuck his hand out. Confused, I just stood there for a moment.

"Where the fuck's my robe?!" I sighed, grabbing his now clean and folded robe from the chair.

I went to hand it to him and he yanked it from my hand, taking it back into the bathroom and slamming the door shut.

He's such an asshole. How the hell was he an angel?

After a few moments, he emerged from the bathroom.

Thank god he's clean.

"You're out of hot water." He walked by me, sitting on the couch and putting his feet up on my coffee table.

"Thanks, I guess I didn't need a shower." Adam laughed.

"You do, but I guess you'll have to wait, bitch." I sighed, walking away and into the kitchen.

"Hey, don't walk away from me!" Adam got up, following me into the kitchen.

"I'm cooking dinner." I opened my cabinets, taking out a pot and a strainer. Adam took a step closer.

"What are you making?" He sounded almost desperate for a moment. I turned to look at him.

"Just pasta." Adam scoffed, crossing his arms and glaring down at me.

"You're planning on feeding the first man pasta? Are you fucking kidding me?" I glared up at him.

This fucking guy.

I put the pot and strainer down on the counter, turning back to him and crossing my arms.

"I never said I was cooking for you." Adam stepped closer, getting in my personal space.

"Did you forget who the fuck you're talking to?" I gulped, my hands falling at my sides.

Fuck.. He could kill me.. But he hasn't yet. I wonder if.. He can't.

"If you can kill me, why don't you?" His face twisted into a scowl.

I shouldn't have gambled that.

His face dropped and he shrugged.

"Don't feel like it. You're not even worth it." I looked up at him irritated.

Am I upset I'm not worth him killing? No? Why the fuck am I upset?

"Well.. Good. And if you want to eat, I guess you're having pasta." Adam groaned, his arms falling at his sides.

"It better be some good fucking pasta." I rolled my eyes, trying to ignore him. I turned my back to him and back to the counter.

"I SAID it better be some good fucking pasta." He repeated, only louder.

I'm gonna lose my temper.

"How am I supposed to respond to that?" I turned to face him, crossing my arms. He shrugged.

"Figure it out, bitch. You don't just ignore the first man." I pinched the bridge of my nose in frustration.

"For someone who's in MY house, accepting MY help, you sure as hell aren't being very grateful." Adam stepped closer, too close for comfort. He leaned down, getting close in my face.

"I told you, CUNT, I don't need your help." I glared up at him.

I'm not backing down this time, even if he does kill me.

"Then why are you here?" He froze for a moment, but quickly sat back upright.

"Fine." He turned and walked out of the kitchen, making his way to the front door. I ran after him, grabbing his arm to stop him. He yanked his arm away from me, looking down at me with pure hatred.

"Get your dirty fucking hands off me, sinner!" I moved in front of him, blocking the door.

"You can't leave!" He crossed his arms glaring at me.

"Oh, and what? Your tiny ass is gonna stop me? You're really pushing your luck, here." I gulped, but stayed put.

"If you leave... You'll be killed! You're an angel." Adam laughed.

"No shit I'm an angel. None of these fucking demons will even look in my direction! You think they're gonna kill me? You're an even stupider bitch than I thought!" Adam shoved me to the side. I fell to the ground, looking up at him as he jerked the door open, stepping outside.

I jumped to my feet, grabbing the door and running outside.

"Wait! Please, you can't go out there!" I stepped outside. He turned around, an angry expression on his face.

"The fuck I can't! I'm fucking ADAM! I'm the first man! I can do whatever the hell I want, and I'm not about to let some pipsqueak cunt tell me what to do!" He stepped forward, looming over me, almost like he was ready to kill.

I'm taking a serious gamble right now, and I could lose my god damn life. I want to be better though, I'm tired of being a sinner. I want to be a good person.

"I... I don't think you have a choice." I tried sounding confident, but my voice came out shaky. Adam's face dropped into a hateful glare.

"Excuse me? The fuck did you just say to me, bitch?" He leaned down, getting dangerously close.

I swallowed hard, taking a deep breath.

"I found you in an alleyway, hiding... And you've made a lot of threats, but I haven't seen you use your angelic powers at all." Adam's face dropped for a moment, but his hateful glare quickly returned. He grabbed me by the collar of my shirt, yanking me forward so my face met his.

"First of all, bitch, I wasn't hiding. I was staking out the place. Second, I haven't used my powers because I don't fucking feel like it. I can use them whenever I god damn please. You keep testing me like this, and I will fucking end you." I swallowed hard, and I could feel my body begin to tremble.

"Do it then." The words just fell from my mouth before I could even think. Adam froze, sitting up straight and creating distance between us.

"Excuse me?" His hateful glare was gone, now replaced with a confused look.

I am praying I'm right about this.

"Do it. Use your powers and end me. I'm in hell, it's not like it can get worse." Adam's whole body shifted uncomfortably.

"You're fucked up, you know that?" He let go of my shirt collar, pushing me back. He let out a long, aggravated sigh.

"You're not even worth it, honestly." I looked up at him, fidgeting with my hands uncomfortably.

"Can you at least let me cook something for you before you go?" He looked down at me, his face softer than it was.

"Why the fuck are you doing this?" I shrugged.

"I don't wanna be a sinner anymore." Adam burst out laughing.

"That sucks, cause you're always gonna be a sinner. Hell is forever, bitch." I pinched the bridge of my nose in frustration.

I don't wanna lose it on him. I'm trying to be better. But GOD he makes it nearly impossible.

"I know that, but why can't I be a good person in hell?" Adam scoffed, crossing his arms.

"What's the point?" I shrugged again.

"I guess there isn't one; but what's the point of being bad down here either?" Adam's arms fell to his sides. He groaned, annoyed.

"Fine, fine! You can cook for me, but I'm watching you. I'm making sure you're not gonna poison it or some shit." I nodded.


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