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I finished cooking, listening to Adam bitch, moan, and complain the entire time.

I grabbed two bowls from my cupboard, splitting the pasta evenly between them. I took the bowls from the counter, bringing them to the kitchen table where Adam was sitting impatiently.

"Jesus, about time, bitch! How long does it fucking take to cook pasta?" I ignored him, turning and grabbing a fork from the drawer, handing it to him. He grumbled something under his breath, immediately shoving a forkful of spaghetti into his mouth.

"Do you need a drink?" He looked up at me, a mouth full of spaghetti and his mouth covered in sauce. It took everything in me not to laugh. He swallowed his food, glaring up at me.

"Would've been a nice question BEFORE I started eating. What do you have?" Even when I'm being nice, I can't win.

"I have water, soda, juice, and I think I have some alcohol left." He scoffed.

"You think I trust you enough to drink around you? Jesus, you're a fucking idiot. Just get me a water, and make sure it's cold. None of that room temperature bullshit." I rolled my eyes, turning to the fridge and grabbing a cold water bottle. I put it down on the table next to his food.

I sat down on the other side of the table. He immediately stood up, grabbing his bowl of pasta and water and going to the living room, sitting down on the couch to finish eating. I heard him turn the tv on. How nice.

"Don't spill anything on my couch!" I called out from the kitchen. He cranked the volume on the tv up, drowning my voice out. Such a fucking prick. First man? More like first child. Jesus Christ.

I ate my food, listening to the tv blaring. He was watching some action movie. I could hear the explosions and gunshots, but I couldn't tell what movie it was.

After a few minutes, I heard the sound of the bowl hitting the glass coffee table. I got up, making my way into the living room. Adam had thrown the bowl onto the table once he finished, still sitting there with his feet up on the table watching tv. I walked over, grabbing the bowl from the table.

"You could say thank you, or at least bring your dishes into the kitchen." Adam glared up at me.

"Can't you see I'm trying to watch something?" I groaned, going back into the kitchen. I put our bowls in the sink.

He's such an asshole. I'm trying to be nice... Charlie said to be patient, but he's making it really hard. Would she even want me to be patient with Adam? She did try to kill him.. He should be dead. Why isn't he dead?

"Hey, Adam?" I walked back into the living room. He completely ignored me, turning up the tv louder. I grabbed the remote from his hand, turning the tv off.

"Hey, you bitch! I was watching that!" I threw the remote down on the table, glaring at him.

"How are you alive?" He tensed up, his eyes widening slightly.

"What?" He looked around nervously. I crossed my arms.

"I said how are you alive? You died... At least that's what the news said. You were killed by Niffty." He relaxed a bit, rolling his eyes.

"The tiny ass maid? Yeah, I know. No need to rub it in." I pinched the bridge of my nose in irritation, glaring back up at him.

"Yeah, you were killed by Niffty, who used angelic steel. How are you alive? Shouldn't your soul be.. I don't know, gone? Wiped from existence?" He stared at me for a moment, thinking of what to say. Eventually he just sighed, leaning further back into the couch.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 29 ⏰

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