The Princess

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Every day is the same. Going to my University ...coming home...working on things I have no idea about. It's the same every day...

Seng high of the most popular universities in my country... I somehow managed to get into this university out of pure luck ... I wasn't a good student... just average

People think it's all rainbows and sunshines in this university but it's may look perfect from the out side but from the inside we students knew it's all about the money and power.. the more money u have the more power u will get... and if u don't have the money then try not get noticed by the 'wolfs' ... the group who ruled the whole university

I am unfortunately the unlucky one who is the main target of this group

They slammed me against the wall as I let out a quiet whimper in pain...and they were all laughing at me like I was clown

I look up slowly at the only person I knew or at least I thought I knew... Lily.. my ex best friend ... well use to be my only friend and now is my biggest bully...

Looking into her eyes was the biggest crime... but I did it always trying to look for the person that was my best friend years ago but it wasn't there it was replaced by this cold cruel person I don't remember knowing

Lily frown when I look at her eyes ... she snapped her fingers and one guy from her group.. he was tall muscular.. also had tattoos on his left arm... he had a buzz cut which made him look even more scary

He came up to me laughing...he was the most ruthless out of all..he came closer to me and grabbed me by my collar lifting me up until I was on my tiptoes...
'Don't u know the rule of not looking at her eyes'
He said in his cold unfriendly voice as he fisted his hand and punched me straight and my left cheek...that fucker takes boxing lessons so he knows how to punch...

I closed my eyes trying not to cry out in pain... they hit me before but they never stopped from making it worse every time...they never let me get use to the pain...

They all laughed..all 5 off them including Lily herself..the guy holding me was about to punch me again but he stopped when of of their group members spotted the teacher was coming

He let go of his grip as my body dropped to the ground..he looked down at me with a smirk as he kicked my stomach before he say
'Remember if u say anything we will make your like a living hell babe'

He said it like my life wasn't hell enough already..they all quickly left before the teacher could notice I sit there on the ground with my left cheek bruised..I wipe the blood off my lip..when I heard a worried voice calling my name..
'Inutin... oh my goodness are u okay'

I look up at my teacher.. he wasn't much older then we all were.. he was a very smart man... he carried himself really well ... his soft warm brown eyes looked at me with worry as he walked over to me and crouched down to me... he knew I didn't touch me .. but people don't need to touch me to show their care.. I could see it in his eyes..

'Mr. William..' I said softly try to ignore my pain and show him that I wasn't hurt too badly but he knew better then to trust me in this matter
'Miss Eavn your hurt' he said looking at the big bruise on my cheek .. I just smile and say 'oh it's nothing to be worried about'

He didn't believe me of course... I was beaten up he could see it... he was about to say something more to me but I got up dusting off my I look at him with small smile before I walked away from there

I could have told him about everything.. and he will try his absolute hardest to get me justice but that's what I was scared off .. cause I knew what Lily was capable off and I could never ever bring him to my mess cause he was the only person who was nice enough to talk to me and care for me..

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