choi yeonjun

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"On this day, my eldest daughter, Han Y/N, shall be crowned Crown Princess of Luminara. For 21 years, she has learned of what it takes to rule Luminara under my guidance."

You watched as your father moved to take the crown you would wear as Crown Princess. He lifted the crown up in the air, displaying it for everyone.

"I bestow the Dark Moon Crown to you, Princess Y/N," He announced. You lowered your knees, allowing him to place the crown on your head. "Wear this crown with pride and dignity. Lead true to your kingdom and yourself."

You stood back up once the crown was placed on your head. You looked to the side where you saw movement coming from your mother. She held a small blade in her hands as she approached you with a cup in her hands.

"A drop of blood dedicated to serving your kingdom and people will signify that you accept your destiny as Crown Princess of Luminara," She explained. "Then, you will repeat my words."

You grabbed the blade from her, twisting the knife against your palm and reeling it. A wound formed on your hand almost immediately as blood began to seep out.

You lifted your hand above the cup, watching as a drop of blood fell into the water and began colouring it red.

"Repeat after me," She told you. "I, Crown Princess Y/N."

"I, Crown Princess Y/N..."

"Vow to serve Luminara..."

You blinked and whispered, "Vow to serve Lumina-"

"Well, well, I must apologise for ruining your Coronation Day, Princess."

Gasps echoed throughout the room as you abruptly turned at the call of your title. Your eyebrows furrowed as you noticed a man with black hair standing at the centre, staring at you and your family.

"Who dares meddle with the affairs of Coronation Day?" Your father bellowed out, looking at the blond man.

"Me?" He laughed. "I am a nobody, Your Majesty. You need not concern yourself with my identity."

"Answer his question. Who are you?" Jisung asked, moving to protect you and your family.

The man grinned as he snapped his fingers. On cue, four other men appeared behind him, radiating an energy you could not grasp.

"Well... only because you asked so nicely. My name is Choi Yeonjun, the Second Original," He introduced himself. "And I am here for you, Crown Princess Y/N."

Choi Yeonjun... That name...!

"Choi Yeonjun, the vampire that destroyed Decelis Kingdom?" You asked.

"It seems your reputation precedes you, hyung," The tallest one said with a grin.

"Why would you be here for me?"

"You see..." He trailed off.

You had only blinked before you suddenly felt your hair flying up behind you. It was only then you realised Yeonjun had suddenly reappeared in front of you, his hand grasping your chin as he made you look up at him.

"Your coronation concerns a very old friend of mine," He whispered. "And I happen to have a very long rivalry with him."

To your right, you could see Jisung unsheathing his sword to point it at Yeonjun. However, his body suddenly froze as his sword hung midair. His eyes widened in shock, "I... I can't move!"

"That would be due to my friend at the back," Yeonjun pointed to the man with brown hair. "Say hello, Kai."

The one named Kai waved his hand, smiling as well. He was a tall man with wavy, brown hair.

❛ 𝐒𝐖𝐄𝐄𝐓 𝐂𝐔𝐑𝐒𝐄 ❜ ━━━ (𝗹. 𝗵𝗲𝗲𝘀𝗲𝘂𝗻𝗴)Where stories live. Discover now