a day with the family

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Before I get into the chapter, I just wanted to say that for some reason or another that Wattpads home page has not been loading as in at all, so I had to delete and re-download the app but enough of that on with the chapter

The Louds were sitting in their living room watching TV when the episode finally came to an end. Man, that was some series. Finally, Lynn JR. said ya, you said it. Lana responded I'll admit I didn't think I'd enjoy this show as much as I did. Lisa said ya, I kinda had the same thought. Lori said man it's a shame the show had to end Luan said, "So what do you wanna do now Lola asked. I think we should totes show Linky a little more of the town he's really only been to here school and a few other places, Leni said, "That's a great idea Leni what do you guys think Luna asked everyone else agreed to it then Luna looked to Lincoln and asked how about that buddy what do you think Luna asked Lincoln smiled and said I think let's get going already Luna smiled as the siblings walked out of the house and over to the old family van with Luna  getting into the driver's seat while Lincoln got into the passenger seat of the van Luna pulled out of the driveway and began to drive around town now remembered Lincoln if you see anything that catches your eye just tell me and that goes for you girls to if you see anything me might like point it out to him Luna said they all nodded as they drove through town when something caught Lincoln's attention wait mom stop Lincoln said Luna pulled off to the side of the road and stopped and looked out the passenger side window Gus's Game's and Grub Luna said as she read the sign on the building Luna smiled and looked to her son you wanna head inside Luna asked could we Lincoln asked of course honey just let me park first Luna said as she went into park the van they all went inside and saw that half the building had booths and the other half was a small arcade

Royal Woods park hours later

The louds sat in the shade of a tree after a long day from Gus's. The mall flips mostly to refill the gas tank, but all ended up buying a drink while they were their Luna then got a text on her phone, and she checked it, seeing a text from their dad and Lincoln's grandfather oh hey it's dad he says to come home that dinner is almost ready

The loud house after dinner

Lincoln and Luna were up in their room, Lincoln laying in their bed while Luna was on her phone with a pair of earbuds. Luna noticed her son asleep next to her she smiled as she ran a hand through his soft white hair mama. Love's you Lincoln remember that Luna said as she went back on her phone tell she to fell asleep

End of chapter 21

I know this chapter is late by a long shot, but I already explained, but anyway, besides that, let me know what you think in the comments below also before I forget their won't be another chapter this week but my posting schedule will be back to Thursday's next week

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