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 "Noun: a period of time in the past that was happy and peaceful. "

I inhaled sharply as the wine splattered onto the man's suit, staining it. I lowered my head, my words of apology tumbling out in rapid succession. The suit appeared to be  undoubtedly expensive, and now I would be responsible for its damage. There goes my carefully hoarded cash.

 A hand gently lifted my chin, urging me to meet the gaze of the man before me. His jaw was strong, his eyes harboring emotions I struggled to decipher, strands of silver threading through his blond hair. He seemed to be around Florin's age, yet his physique exuded strength . "O ,multumesc zeilor ! printesa tu...te-ai intors." he murmured. 

(Oh thank the gods! princess you.. you are back )

My brows arched in  confusion as I grappled with the man's words. "Sir, I confess I'm at a loss with your meaning, but I deeply regret the mishap with your attire. It truly caught me off guard... I'll gladly repay you," I babbled, my nerves being haywire . His gaze remained fixed upon me, a mix of admiration or perhaps my own imagination at play. "Forgive me," I interjected louder, jolting him from his reverie. He shook his head, dispelling the fog of whatever that enveloped him. Poor soul, undoubtedly stunned by my impropriety.

"Ah, accidents occur, it's of no consequence. I'm Knox, the royal guard. This misfortune is as much my doing, for I failed to watch my step," he reassured, his smile diminishing the weight of my apology. However, my attention wavered upon his revelation of his status as a royal guard. Good grief! I'd stained a guard's uniform, my tipsiness long forgotten. Fate had a cruel sense of humor.

Before I could dwell further, Florin approached, accompanied by Iguar. They flanked me, each offering a respectful nod to Knox. "Deliah, are you okay ?" Florin inquired, . I met his gaze and nodded. He returned the gesture before addressing Knox, and soon they engaged in conversation in Romanian. When Iguar mentioned, "Sir, the king requests your presence," Knox relayed something to Florin with a grave tone, signaling his imminent departure with Iguar. 

His gaze softened as he turned to me. "Why not join the king  for a full tour?" he suggested. I stood rooted, the prospect of a wine tour with the king seeming utterly surreal. I wasn't prepared for such an unexpected turn of events, my attire being such a mess for such an occasion. I shook my head and replied, "Apologies, but I must decline. It's beyond my capacity." Knox acknowledged my decision with understanding and departed with Iguar.

Turning to Florin, I directed him to escort me back to the hotel, my mind still reeling from the encounter. 

As I reached the hotel, I expressed my gratitude to Florin for his company throughout the day's adventures. Upon entering the main hall, my gaze scanned the room, searching for the familiar sight of the redhead. Eventually, I spotted her, though this time her demeanor was noticeably tense as she engaged in a phone conversation, her body rigid and her lips pressed together in a pensive manner. Whoever was on the other end seemed to weigh heavily upon her, dimming her usual radiance. Drawing closer, I offered her a smile, but she continued speaking rapidly in Romanian before abruptly ending the call with a loud click. It became increasingly evident to me that mastering the local language should be my priority  if I intended to settle here.

She greeted me with a lazy smile, addressing me as "Lar" as had become her habit. "Oh, Lar, how was your day today? Did you have a good time?" I nodded, launching into a recount of the wine tour and the mishap involving the royal guard. 

She laughed, her eyes crinkling with amusement as she playfully teased me about my newfound clumsiness. Taking hold of my hands, she grinned mischievously. "Oh, when did Miss Perfect become so clumsy? But you should have accepted the king's offer for the tour. Who knows, perhaps he would have fallen in love with you at first sight?" I chuckled at her fanciful imagination, though I couldn't ignore the curious glances we received from those nearby. She was indeed a cherished friend.

"Rosae, where do you conjure up such fantasies?" I quipped, before growing serious. "But seriously, why were you so tense on the phone? Something seems amiss. I may not be able to solve your problems, but I can certainly lend a sympathetic ear." She shook her head, her gaze filled with unshed tears.

 Concern crept over me. "Did I say something wrong? Something that upset you?" She murmured softly, "Oh, just matters of the heart, you know." Though I doubted her explanation, I decided to let it go for the moment. 

Gently, I patted her back. "If you ever need to talk, I'm here. After all, we're friends now, aren't we?" I nervously acknowledged our newfound bond. She embraced me tightly, tears flowing freely. "Oh, sweet Lar, still as kind as ever. Thank you. And the same goes for you." Awkwardly, I nodded, then retreated to my room, pondering the mysteries that lingered within Rosae's troubled gaze.

I retrieved my journal from my bag, writing down every single detail of my day. The habit of journaling was a legacy from my father, a devoted enthusiast who gathered a trove of diaries filled with his daily musings. I recalled how my mother once chided him for cluttering our shelves with his ever-expanding collection. How I longed for those simpler days, tinged with a sense of nostalgia.

A smile crept across my face as I surveyed my surroundings once more. In just a week, my life had undergone a remarkable transformation. No longer did I dread the night, bracing myself for the onslaught of punches. I reveled in the freedom to indulge in food without the harsh scrutiny of others, and I immersed myself in writing without fear of ridicule from Caden and his friends.

Yet, amidst this newfound peace , thoughts of Caden lingered in the back of my mind. Was he still searching for me, or had he resigned himself to my absence and moved on? I fervently hoped for the latter.

With a hesitant click, I opened my laptop, my cursor hovering over a singular link. Thoughts of my siblings, both contentedly married and leading peaceful lives, flitted through my mind. Despite the urge to reach out to them, I swiftly dismissed the notion. The risks were too great. What if they inadvertently disclosed my fractured relationship with Caden? Following the loss of our parents, our communication had dwindled. It was best to focus on safeguarding my newfound sense of freedom .

Settling into a state of peaceful contemplation, I began to plan my next moves, determined to forge a path forward that prioritized my well-being above all else.

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