CHAPTER VI -Peregrinate

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Hello , My lovely readers ! So I have been quite busy with looking for colleges and studying and all. But I also gave time to this masterpiece, The thing is my head doesn't know when to stop . I even have so many ideas of other books that I am contemplating to write. Well right now let's try to get of this Web. 

" Verb : to travel or wander from place to place. "

As the week unfolded, I immersed myself in the rich culture  of  Romania had to offer. From exploring iconic tourist attractions to attending captivating historical lectures, each day brought new delights. Yet, amidst the whirlwind of my exploration , I knew I have just a week left to find the job.

Today marked the climax of preparation as I faced not one, but two crucial job interviews. With a fervent hope for success, I again reviewed my documents, ensuring every detail was in order. The prospect of securing a well-paying job ignited a spark of anticipation within me.

In addition to perfecting  my professional skills, I devoted time to mastering the complexities of the Romanian language. Drawing upon my prior knowledge of Italian from high school, I found a semblance of familiarity in the accent and structure of Romanian. Though far from fluent, I was steadily gaining confidence, piecing together the basics with each passing day.

Before departing for my interviews, I stood before the mirror, clad in sleek black pants and a beige blouse with a modest high neck, my hair neatly pinned back. Offering myself a silent pep talk, I steeled my resolve and stepped out with determination.

Upon reaching the hotel's exit gate, I summoned Florin from the reception .

As I sat in the car, the nervous tapping of my heels betrayed my apprehension. Florin's glances didn't go unnoticed; his furrowed brows and thin lips hinted at unspoken questions. Irritated, I finally broke the silence. "Florin, if you have something to say, just say it. Stop staring at me like I'm about to commit a crime."

Florin shook his head, hesitating before speaking. "Deliah, you never mentioned wanting to stay here permanently. You're going for a job interview. I can't keep things straight."

I let out a weary sigh. "Florin, I just... I want to make a life here. Is that so hard to believe?"

"Could it be that you've grown so attached to Romania in just a week that you're considering settling here?" Florin's voice carried a mix of humor  and concern as he glanced at me through the rearview mirror. His eyes, usually warm and comforting, now held a hint of worry as they met my own anxious gaze. "Is everything alright? I'm sorry for prying, but you're like a daughter to me. If there's something troubling you, please feel free to share."

My heart skipped a beat at his genuine concern, but I quickly averted my eyes, unable to meet his gaze. "Oh, Florin, it's not like that," I replied, my voice betraying a hint of nervousness. "I just... I need a job. I'm young and eager to explore new opportunities, that's all."

Despite my attempts to sound convincing, Florin's expression remained skeptical, his lips pursed in silent contemplation. "And what about your family and friends?" he pressed on gently. "Will they be supportive of your decision?"

A pang of sadness washed over me as memories of my parents flooded back. "I'm an independent adult, Florin," I replied, my tone firmer this time. "There's no need for formalities. Besides, my parents passed away three years ago, and I don't have many close friends to keep in touch with."

As we pulled up to the towering Infarom building, Florin brought the car to a stop and turned to face me, his eyes reflecting a mixture of sympathy and something else I couldn't quite decipher. "I truly hope you succeed in this endeavor, dear," he said softly, offering a reassuring smile and a comforting pat on my shoulder.

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