Trey: SO you like my songs huh
Michelle: I actually I have a story behind it
Trey: really like what
Michelle: (smile) well I had this boyfriend marquis and he wasn't nothing but bad. Well he wasn't a boyfriend I took care of him
Trey: how so?
Michelle: I paid for him always made excuses for him I ....doing the same shit im doing now
Trey: You always taking care of someone else but michelle who taking care of you
Michelle: This songs ( snaps fingers)I loved this alubum
Trey: Well it didn't sell that great as the other ones
Michelle: I know you had your braids back then
Trey: Oh lord don't bring them up we make mistakes
Michelle: I liked them
Trey: the braids
Michelle: Back then your music meant something , told a story. I used to love Trey songz with songs like just gotta make it and superwoman
Trey: Ohh so you like the classics
Michelle: not what you thinking of, it seems like after you lost the braids you lost the meaning. You was just trying to sell records
Bad For You
RomanceNever allow someone to be your priority while allowing yourself to be their option Sequel to Love Dont Pay No Bills