The battle

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(Again, not my art found it on Google)

Tom's pov
We arrived and we all kept quiet as we crept towards the city. Two Red soldiers attaching a shock collar that made a powering on noise, I glare at Tord, and he tells me it's just to put his soldier's minds at ease.
"Ok we need to sneak in carefully and not get seen." Tord started ordering.
"That's a bad plan." I said blankly every turned to me.
"Ok, let's hear what your plan is genius." Tord retorted slightly annoyed.
"How about I go in. I'm the only one not wearing your stupid uniform they won't be suspicious of me then when my monster causes chaos you come in." Tord looked away and nodded embarrassed he wasn't the one who thought of it. I started scaling the wall using my claws. I eventually get onto the other side and instantly start moving towards the base no one batting an eye. I made my way over to a secluded alley and get ready to transform. It's ok Tom you're not gonna hurt anyone plus it's only destroying one building then leaving. This... This is fine. Ugh get your head in the game Tom. I transformed and crept up to the building and after a moment of hesitation I knocked and demolished one of the pillars instantly moving away smashing part of the city wall with my tail. After about two minutes I started hearing people running and screaming and knew I could come out of hiding I jumped out and started getting rid of the rest of the pillars I then clawed off the roof to check all the soldiers were out. They were and I destroyed the rest of building moving the soldiers carefully but forcefully away from Tord and his army so no lives would be lost.

I was almost done destroying the army base when I felt someone shoot my hind leg I yowled in anger and pain before whipping around growling as my tail lashed in the air dangerously. The guy who shot me instantly realised he messed up but held his ground, he looked to be in his mid-twenties maybe early thirties. We stared at each other as we stood waiting for the other to make the first move before hearing a bomb going off and both looking around in shock me lifting a paw to get a better look around. We heard a scream and I saw a woman and her daughter. Her daughter's foot was stuck under some debris and some of a building was falling towards them.
"Lucy, Mesha! Look out!" He yelled sprinting towards them as fast as he could, he won't get to them in time. I leapt in front of him whacking the first bit of debris with my tail and then covering Lucy and Mesha protectively with my body from the extra debris. As a large piece of debris fell on-top of me I held back a yelp, I'll definitely have a bruise after this. After I was certain all the debris was gone, I stood up. I looked at the mother and daughter, I carefully picked the debris of the daughter's foot and threw it away. The daughter looked confused but grateful petting my snout. I stood up and turned seeing the solider staring at me. He nodded in respect for saving what I had to guess was his family, I nodded back and grimaced as I felt a painful shock I looked over near the city entrance. Martin was there looking at me with a half annoyed look a half fed up with me look at me, he rolled his eyes as he shocked me again and signalled for me to follow. I growled, Martin and I always hated each other since we met, he was one of Tord's extremely loyal soldiers and didn't trust me from the beginning and thought I was an evil person just because of my monster half and hates me for it and the hate was mutual.

After giving the family of three one last nod goodbye I ran after Tord's army knocking Martin over "accidentally" as I passed him. I transformed back next to Tord.
"Good work Tom. And what did I say army base fully destroyed and no casualties." He cracked a smirk at me, and I rolled my eyes.
"Yea yea, don't give yourself a big head." Martin suddenly pounced on me, and we started wrestling on the ground Tord facepalming as people tried to pull us apart, me going half monster form to give myself a "slight advantage."
"Can you two seriously not get along for a day!"
10 minutes later we were finally successfully pulled apart for more than two seconds, especially since one of us full on kicked the others butt giving him three giant claw marks over one eye. We walked back onto the plane the other soldiers putting themselves between me and Martin.

When we got back to the base, I waited for Tord to leave the room before sneaking over to his closet. I had heard my phone buzz multiple times a coupe nights ago and when I peered out of my room to see if it was Tord's phone and see who it was from to see if it could allow me to get out somehow only to see a light come from the top of his cupboard.

I grabbed the stool from the corner and put it against the cupboard doors I stood on my toes and found my phone. I put the stool back and walked into my room locking the door behind me. I opened my phone and saw there wasn't much signal, so I opened my window and climbed onto the roof. Once I got a good enough signal I sat down and texted Edd.
Edd? Are you and the others alright?
I waited for a reply.

Edd's pov
We were on the road to the city when I suddenly heard a ding.
"Amber, can you check who it is?"
She opened my phone, and I heard a gasp.
"It's Tom!" She yelled.
"What did he say?"
"He asked if we're alright."
Yea we're fine we've got some new friends joining us.
Tom texted back.
I stopped the car so we could video call him he eventually picked up and by that point we were all squished into the back of my car Matt and Matilda having to sit on the floor.
"Hey Tom." I said as he came into view. He seemed to be on a roof. "Why are you on a roof?"
"Bad signal. Had to climb up here to get a good enough signal. Anyway, you said you made some new friends, who?"
We turned the camera around to face the girls.
"Meet Tamara, Ell, Matilda and Tori." I pointed them out.
"They're female versions of us cool right, they fell through the magic mirror after Matt fixed it."
"Nice to meet you."

We started driving again with Tamara driving so I could be in the back seat and ask Tom if he knew where to go when we reached the city.
"Wait ... Are you guys driving?"
"Yea we saw you on the news destroying a city and decided it was our best chance at finding you." Tom groaned.
"You saw that."
"We're here." Tamara yelled to us in the back seat.
"Tom, do you know which way to go from here."
"Urrr, search for a broken piece in the wall, there should be plane tracks follow those and even when you don't see them anymore just keep going straight."
"Found 'em. This is pretty straightforward pun intended." (I know bad joke but I'm terrible at making jokes.) Tom chuckled at my stupid joke.

~~~ 30ish minutes later 
"Your tracker beam popped up." I then realised I literally just told Tom I put trackers on all his stuff.
"..." "You put a tracker on my stuff, Edd?! Why?!"
"Oh sorry Tom, we're losing you kshk kshk." I started making unconvincing static noises.
"Edd don't you dare hang up on me!! Edd I swear-" I hung up on him mid sentence.
"He's gonna kill me later." I groaned mostly to myself.

??? pov
I started ramming my body against the locker door. That jerk had left me in here for three hours (never leave anyone in a locker). I was about to do it again when the locker door opened and I stumbled out.
"You." That jerk glared down at me.
"My name's Martin. You're Martia, right?" The jerk questioned.
"Go home."
"You heard me, go home you're gonna mess up my plan."
"And what exactly is your plan."
"That's none of your business. Take your pick either you go home or I lock you in your room (don't do that either)."
"Fine I'll go home." I shoved him away as I walked out of the building and back home.

Tom's pov
I angrily stared at the phone as I heard a knock at my door. I instantly started climbing back into my room as the door opened. My expression went from interested to annoyed.
"Martin. I thought you were Tord."
"No, but Red Leader does want you to do some training."
"Why? Also how did you get in here?" I secretly put my phone in my bedside table draw and closed it.
"You have a key in the draw outside your rom. Don't ask questions. Just come with me." I rolled my eyes and reluctantly followed him out

Nevermind. I thought this chapter would be short but it's not. Anyway here's a drawing made by one of my good friends Leafy_Bun.

 Anyway here's a drawing made by one of my good friends Leafy_Bun

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3 maybe chapters left.

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