Chapter 8: Facing the Red Dragon Stalker

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(Eiichiro is seen at Ai Hoshino's show as he watches her singing her song.)

(As Ai is about to end her performance, she does a heart hand signal, and aims it at Eiichiro as she blows a kiss. He blushes while the other male fans who thought the kiss was meant for them, cheer like crazy. Suddenly, Eiichiro notices a hooded figure with a familiar brown hair.)

Eiichiro: (in mind) What is Issei doing here?

(He clenches his fists as he knows his cousin is up to no good. He sees him going towards the backstage, and follows him. As he sees Ai, he finally realizes what Issei is up to, and before the latter could do something, he tackled him.)

Eiichiro: (glares) So you're the one who was stalking Ai... cousin!

Issei: (grunts) Cousin... I should have know you'd be here... (stern) I'LL NEVER LET YOU HAVE MY FUTURE WIFE!

Eiichiro: (scoffs) As if she'd be interested in a pervert like you.

(Then Eiichiro pulls out his Desire Driver and places it on his waist while Issei summons his gauntlet.)

Issei: You're no match for me, cousin!

Eiichiro: (pulls out a buckle) I'll be the judge to that!

(Eiichiro places the Boost Buckle in his driver.)


(He then snaps his fingers while Issei prepares to summon his armor.)

Eiichiro: Henshin!



(They transform, and then they charge at each other as Ai gasps in shock, seeing everything.)

Ai: (in mind) So that's the Red Pervet Emperor... I can see why Eiichiro bears a big grudge against him...

(Geats blocks a Dragon Shot from Issei.)

Issei: Impossible!

Geats: I guess I just worsened your loss of memories last time I kicked your sorry ass!

(Issei growls in anger and keeps firing his Dragon Shots at Geats, who blocks them while approaching him, and finally Geats uppercuts Issei.)

Issei: Ahhh!

Geats: (crosses his arms) Is that your best? No wonder the White Dragon Emperor could beat you so easily.

Issei: You're gonna regret these words!

Geats: (pulls out a Feverslow Buckle) Yeah, right.

(He spins the driver as he dodges Issei's punch.)


(He then inserts the Feverslot Buckle on his driver.)


(He activates it, and it hits the jackpot.)


Geats: (smirks) Jackpot!


(Geats changes to one of his Fever Forms.)

Geats: Now, here comes the spotlight!

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Geats: Now, here comes the spotlight!

(Issei charges at Geats, who then does a roundhouse kick that hits him three times.)

Issei: Impossible! How can you be so powerful?

(Geats doesn't respond, and simply charges at Issei, who charges back, and both throw punches. As their punches collide, a shockwave is created, almost blowing Ai away.)

Geats: (turns to Ai) Get out of here! It's dangerous!

(Ai nods and runs to safety as Issei tries to punch him, but he grabs the punch.)

Issei: (shocked) What?

Geats: (smirks) Nice try!

(He punches both of Issei's arms, causing Issei to scream in pain.)

Issei: You son of a bitch! Dragon Shot!

(Issei fires his Dragon Shots, but Geats deflects it and punches Issei so hard that his armor gets damaged.)

Issei: (groans) How?

Geats: Game over, cousin!


(Geats summons the Boostriker, and begins to ram into Issei, and strikes him in flames as his armor is destroyed, and he gets knocked out.)

Geats: The winner in the end... is me.

(Suddenly a magic teleportation circle appears below the unconscious Issei, and he is teleported away.)

Geats: (sighs) Too much for him... for now!

(Geats walks away as the screen fades out.)

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