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Warning:? Not sure

A/n: I was thinking about writing this along time ago for like a story but I lost motivation, i dont know should I write this as a story? 


It was today, finally today. The day I will be going to the Y/n L/n's concert! I didn't always know who Y/n was, Ayla was the one who even told me she was alive. Which is why Ayla is going to be coming to the concert with me, I mean hopefully she notices me through the crowd, but it didn't seem likely she would notice me in a crowd. I know that she is a fan of stranger things and I.T from an interview and I've been in both of those movies so maybe she's as big as a fan of me as much I am of her. But I'm not to sure cause I'm really obsessed over Y/n, like really, really obsessed. "Finn! Are you coming? Or are you just going to stand there and fantasise about getting sucked off by Y/n?!" I heard Ayla yell as she sat at the back of her car with the driver at the front.

I rolled my eyes and got in the car, sitting in the back with Ayla. "No, I wasn't fantasising about Y/n sucking me off! Though that would be an amazing sight!" I said defending myself. I heard Ayla fake gag, then heard her giggle. "What what's so funny?" I argued.

That giggle turned into a laugh, then she started laughing uncontrollably. I raised an eyebrow and she stopped laughing. "Sorry, it's just that re-, oh you know what? Why tell you when I can just show you." She took her phone out from her purse and showed me a video of me having a wet dream. I probably sat there looking like a tomato right now, because my face felt heated.

'Ah, Y/n!' I saw myself moan in the video, but I didn't tell Ayla to stop because I wanted to see all of the video. 'Oh, yes, yes Y/n right there mmm' that was the part of the video I which I got really flustered in. I hid my face in my hands. "Ayla, you better delete that, and don't you dare show that to anyone!" I yelled in the car.

Ayla giggled once more before speaking. "Okay, okay, fine! But that was really funny!" I furrowed my eyebrows.

"No it was not!"

"Was too!"


We were finally inside and Y/n was singing, god, did her voice sound gorgeous. I imagined her like a Disney princess singing a story that attracted anyone and anything. I took my phone out and started recording, me and Ayla were at the front right near her. I saw Y/n bend over and take my phone, I blushed, she interrupted her concert just to record a video on my phone. "Hiiii I love you! Mwah, bye!" She said kissing my phone leaving a slight lipstick stain on there, I never wanted to wipe it away. Of course the whole crowd went screaming, and of course Ayla was shaking my shoulder screaming into my ear.

She gave my my phone back, and while she did she winked at me, Ayla being Ayla was still screaming. "Th-Th-Th-Thanks" I stuttered, and Y/n just smirked blowing me a kiss. Then she continued her concert, I watched her with love hearts in my eyes, while Ayla stood there not caring about me anymore, just about the concert. She got up to the point of her song where it went quiet, so she put a finger to her lips to show she needed absolute silence. 

The whole crowd went quiet except for Ayla. "I love you Y/n!" Ayla yelled and Y/n made a heart with her hands. Which was when she started singing again that the crowd went wild. That was it, I had had enough, I just had to meet her! Ayla kept shaking my arm but I pulled away only wanting to focus on Y/n. 

She reached the end of the concert and took a curtsy/bow. "Good afternoon, Vancouver! Hope you enjoyed my concert! Till we meet again!" She said leaving the stage blowing a kiss I think at me? just her voice was all I needed to hear was to be in love with her. I turned around to try and see Ayla but I couldn't see her anywhere. She was nowhere to be found. Where could she be, you know what? I can just call her! I took my phone and dialed Ayla's number, still cherishing the lipstick mark on my phone. Ayla wasn't picking up. Strange? Was she kidnapped? In the toilet? I started to get worried, but then I felt a tap on my shoulder. Ayla, and she was with... Y/N?!

A/n: Part 2?

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