Act 4 The Experiment

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Our story begins one afternoon at the tubbytronic superdome. Tinky Winky was talking to Walten (a tubby police chief) and a meeting was arranged between the white teletubby and their new police chief boss McGruff.

Mcgruff had a few wrong turns here and there but he finally managed to find the tubbytronic superdome

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Mcgruff had a few wrong turns here and there but he finally managed to find the tubbytronic superdome. He walked up to the doors and knocked.

TINKY WINKY: Oh that must be him right now.

Dipsy came up to the door with Laa-Laa and opened it for McGruff.

DIPSY: Come in sir.

MCGRUFF: Ah good to see you all again, is the Walten guy still around?

LAA-LAA: Well Waltens not physically here, hes back on our home planet.


TINKY WINKY: Come over here McGruff. Here he comes, Walten.

Finally McGruff was seeing Walten face to face.

Finally McGruff was seeing Walten face to face

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MCGRUFF: So youre the tubby police chief.

WALTEN: Well Im not really THE tubby police chief, Im actually one of the many many tubby police chiefs around this planet. But Im definitely the chief that manages these four. The name is Walten and I take it your McGruff?

MCGRUFF: Yes sir, McGruff Bailey.

WALTEN: So tell me sir, why did you want to hire my A squad in your police force.

MCGRUFF: Well you see, there are alot of dangerous criminals around here in Blueville, the town nearby where this ship is currently parked. Now when I experienced what your police squad did to the criminals we were after I saw a sign of hope.

WALTEN: What do you mean by a sign of hope?

MCGRUFF: Criminals on our planet like Jeff the killer have gotten away from us quite a few times due to their strengths and their skills. Jeff the killer himself has killed over 56 people in our town because we could never catch him.

WALTEN: Wow, that does sound like a situation that calls for desperate measures.

MCGRUFF: And when I saw how they caught Blue Diamond which is another criminal thats slippery as all hell I saw a sign of hope, maybe just maybe with the help of these four we can catch all these dangerous criminals and finally be able to take a bite out of crime.

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⏰ Last updated: May 09 ⏰

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