[2] Jealousy

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The camp was gorgeous.

Ruby stared out from the top of the hill mesmerised by its beauty . There were groves of trees, a winding stream, and acres of strawberries spread out under the blue sky. The valley was surrounded by rolling hills, and down in the valley was a collection of cabins and buildings, with smoke coming out the top on a few of them. Ruby blinked a few times to make sure she wasn't seeing things. Yep, it was all still there.

"We need to get to the infirmary." Y/N said. He glanced at Ruby. "Tell me if it starts to hurt, and we can rest for a bit."

"Mhm." Ruby mumbled, trying not to faint from embarrassment.

As they slowly made their way down the hill, the cabins came into view. Each one seemed to be a different theme and design. Campers strolled around the camp, with some firing arrows or sword fighting, while others climbed a towering rock face with lava pouring down the sides.

As they passed through the circle of cabins, all the campers began to whisper and point at Ruby. She glanced up at Y/N, who didn't seem fazed at all.

"Lucky bitch." Someone mumbled behind them. Ruby narrowed her eyes, scanning the campers. Unsuccessful, she decided to spite the person instead. Ruby wrapped her arms around Y/N's neck, burying her head in the crook of his neck. Y/N didn't seem to mind. The whispering behind them grew in intensity, and Ruby smiled knowingly. Perfect.

Finally, they reached the infirmary. Y/N smiled at Ruby. "Don't worry," he said. "They'll fix you right up."

"I hope so." She muttered. The pain in her ankle was really noticable now.

"Hello? Can someone get the door please?" Y/N said. There was rustling and a stampede of footsteps as the door was flung open, revealing two bright eyed teen girls with huge smiles on their faces

"Y/N! Hi...." The two girls glanced at Ruby, their eyes wide. She looked back, smiling innocently.

"Hey! Do you think that you could help Ruby out? Probably a sprained ankle." Y/N said.

The two girls glanced at each other. "Yeah, we got room." They opened the door for Y/N, who walked in.

"Just over here". One of the girls motioned to an empty bed. Y/N slowly set Ruby down.

"You good?" Y/N looked at her. Ruby nodded, wincing slightly.

Y/N sighed, running a hand through his hair. "Alright. Well, you just stay here and rest up. I'll talk to Chiron about you, get you inducted into the Hermes cabin. Unless you're claimed before that, of course." Y/N stood up, glancing at the two Apollo girls. "Alex and Jesse will take care of you, I'm sure." Y/n smiled at her, and the butterflies returned. He then strolled out of the infirmary, the addicting smell of woodfire smoke and bread following like a magnet."

As the door closed shut, the room instantly felt darker. Colder. And the smell of sanitizer became a lot stronger. The two Apollo girls stopped smiling and looked at Ruby with a cold glare. Ruby narrowed her eyes.

"You got a problem?" Ruby challenged.

"No." One of them sighed. "Alex, go get some ambrosia." Alex left in a huff, while Jess kneeled down, inspecting Ruby's ankle. "Just don't act all innocent, as if you didn't fake half of that."

"Excuse me?" Ruby narrowed her eyes. "You think I'm faking this? I almost died thanks to a fucked up ankle."

"Yeah right." Alex walked back into the room, holding a paper bag. "Oh my poor, poor ankle!" she put her hand to her head in pretend distress. "If only there was a tall, handsome strong demigod to save me from this mortal peril!"

"I think you're just jealous." Ruby retorted.

"You think?." Alex raised an eyebrow, taking a piece of what looked to be a chocolate brownie out of the bag. She handed it to Ruby.

"What's this?" Ruby said

"Ambrosia. Food of the gods." Alex replied. Ruby inspected it, before taking a small bite. Instantly, the taste of apple pie and strawberry jam filled her mouth. Which was weird, since it was a brownie texture. But gods, was it good.

"Holy... my god." Ruby managed through chomping on the brownie.

"Is it good?" Jess raised an eyebrow. Ruby simply nodded in response, her senses too overwhelmed to conjure a sentence.

Almost instantly, the pain in her foot slowly began to ebb away, leaving a dull throb that hardly hurt at all.

"So." Alex narrowed her eyes, taking a chair next to Ruby. "What's your deal then?"

"My deal?"

"Who are you, really?" Alex pressed.

"What's that supposed to mean?" Ruby challenged.

Jess rolled her eyes. "Gee, let me think. You show up at the infirmary being carried by Y/N while looking totally fine. You don't seem confused or scared or in shock AT ALL, which is a big surprise for all newcomers." Jess pointed a finger accusingly at Ruby. "And to top it all off, you look the same age as me."

"What's wrong with that?" Ruby raised an eyebrow.

"Demigods out in the mortal world don't live to be our age." Jess continued. "Camp Half-Blood is the only safe place to provide proper training and shelter to demigods. If you get old enough to where monsters start smelling and sniffing you out, and you don't make it to camp? You're pretty much done for."

"Guess I'm just a lucky demigod then." Ruby shrugged.

"Do you even know what demigod means?" Alex narrowed her eyes. "You don't seem surprised by any of this."

"I've been on the run for half my life." Ruby sighed. "Chased down by more monsters and spirits than you can imagine. At this point, me being the daughter of a goddess doesn't even surprise me."

Both Alex and Jess looked at each other, confused.

"How do you know that you-"

She was swiftly interrupted by a knock at the door, and a loud creak as it swung open, revealing a certain someone that Ruby recognised instantly.. Both Jess and Alex immediately forgot what they were thinking, instantly donning large, bright smiles on their faces that made Ruby's eyes hurt. Y/N strolled into the room, the smell of woodfire smoke and bread following along.

"Hey Ruby," Y/N said. "Are you feeling better?" She opened her mouth to reply, but was instantly cut off by Alex.

"Of course she is, Y/N! We fixed her up completely." Alex practically shrieked. Y/N smiled in return.

"Perfect." Y/N glanced at Ruby's foot. "Can you walk?"

"I should be good. That... am-brochue... or whatever it's called, helped a lot." Ruby attempted to stand on her own. Her ankle throbbed slightly, but ultimately, it was a success.

Y/N smiled. "Time to meet Chiron." He looked at Alex and Jess. "Thanks again. I appreciate the help."

"Nonono... Please, it was our pleasure." Alex batted her eyelashes, with Jess doing the exact same. Ruby tried not to laugh out loud at their expressions. She glanced at Y/N, certain that he would see right through them. But nope. He just kept that warm smile on his face and nodded.

Y/N then strolled towards the door, gesturing to Ruby with his head. She slowly made her way to the door, limping slightly. Just as she went to walk through the door, she glanced behind her. Alex and Jess had lost the massive grins and had gone for a death stare instead. Ruby smirked.

Maybe this stupid camp wouldn't be so bad after all.

Reviewed and edited by: @Mihnea466

A/N: Yay, new chapter!

about time :I

Sorry that I haven't been posting as much. I've had lots of ideas and help from others to aid me in writing, so I should be able to start posting more regularly. But in general, it might be harder for me to be as consistent as I once was, thanks to school and other external factors. I hope you enjoy these new additions to the Labyrinth story :)

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