Chapter 6 - Double Meanings

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"Everything has a sort of double meaning for me, there's the ordinary everyday meaning of things, and the imaginary meaning about it all, and I wanted to bring these things together." - Stanley Spencer

Aylin's POV

"I think you should fuck him."

Laughter escaped my lips as I looked down at my phone, finding immense pleasure in the sight of the serious expression plastered across the face of the only girl who would actively encourage me to sleep with someone who was so clearly off bounds.

"Ilya, come on." Her eyebrow arched and I could see that she was more than ready to dissuade me from making any rational decisions. "That was always the plan."

Her serious expression morphed into a cheeky grin, her expression now mirroring mine as we looked at one another.

There was a reason why we were best friends.

Ilya's grin grew all the more sly, however, as a thought seemed to come to her mind,

"You should 'accidentally' call Dean while you're fucking your hunky priest." She leaned towards her phone, her smirk practically engraved into her face at this point. "I've heard there's trouble in paradise with the new girl. Dean's been asking around for where exactly your great-aunt's facility is and whether you have access to your phone. Apparently he's spiralling, saying he misses you and wants you back. It would absolutely crush him to see that you've met someone, especially in a place that he sent you to." Laughter escaped my lips, loving the devious look on my best friend's face,

"Let me get to actually sleeping with Father Xenon first, then we can see how to get back at Dean. I have to help Father Xenon prepare for his weekly class today, so I'll update you with how it goes." She giggled,

"You better."

At that, I asked her how her life was going, my grin widening as she launched into her love life, updating me on someone who had caught her eye at her community service.

* * *

My eyebrow arched as a soft knock sounded at my door not long after my call with Ilya ended.

I pushed my body out of my bed, going over to my door and arching my eyebrow as I came face to face with Frieda.

She looked nervous, as was typical every time we seemed to come into contact with one another.

Her body shifted from foot to foot, her eyes darting about and avoiding me, despite her seeking me out.

My arms folded over my chest as I watched her, my eyebrow arching all the more as it became apparent that she wasn't going to speak first,

"I know I'm pretty, but it's a little weird to come to people's doors at night just to stare at them." Her head snapped towards me, her cheeks tinting a deep red shade.

Her expression took me aback for a second - unused to seeing her looking so flustered without me actually having said anything particularly risqué.

I didn't need to dwell on my shock for long, however, as words seemed to tumble out of her mouth before she could stop them,

"Are you planning to sleep with Father Xenon?" It took me a moment to process her words, the words falling from her lips so fast that I almost missed them. However, the moment her words finally sunk in, my hand snaked out, grabbing her and yanking her into my room.

A yelp escaped her lips at the sudden action and I slammed the door shut behind her, hissing sharply,

"Don't say that so loud! Where did you hear that?" Her large blue eyes were wide, the innocence and disbelief in them grating on my nerves - though I bit my tongue, knowing that there was information that I needed from her first before I could make any comments.

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