Chapter 1

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Laughing could be heard from the playground of a local elementary school. Amongst the laughs, were cries and pleas of a little 4th grade girl. A ring of students, all of various grades, were surrounding a small girl with dark green hair, emerald like eyes, and a pair of cat ears on the top of her head, a girl named Izumi Midoriya.

Izumi: "S-stop! Please!"

A boy stepped forward.

Boy 1: "And why should we? No one with such a lame quirk like yours can be a hero! Not even the Wild Wild Pussycats would want you!"

He proceeded to throw some dirt into her face and hair.

Izumi: *Yelling* "Please sto- Ah!"

She yelped in pain as a small rock was chucked at her head. That made the group of students laugh. They didn't have any reason not to, she couldn't do anything to them, especially because all her quirk gave her was a pair of cat ears. They kept laughing until one of them was hit in the back of the head by a similar rock.

???: "Hey!"

A voice called out behind them so they turned around. A boy Izumi's age stood there. He had bright blue eyes and short hair as white as the clouds.

Girl: "Ew, it's the new boy!"

Boy 2: "His name's Seth, right?"

Boy 1: "That's his given name dummy, his family name is Argent. Foreigners are weird like that."

Girl 2: "Go away Argent! This doesn't concern you!"

Seth: "From what I can tell, it totally does!"

Boy 1: "Oh yeah!? How!?"

Seth: "Because I'm gonna be a hero and heros stop people who pick on people weaker than them!"

The second boy laughed.

Boy 2: "That's what you think? A hero is someone who always wins, like All Might!"

The boy planted his fist in his palm, letting off a small explosion.

Izumi: "K-Kacchan, s-stop."

Bakugo: "Not a chance Deku! This nerd's gonna get what's coming!" *Yelling* "Get him!"

The small crowd of students charged at Seth.


Seth and Izumi were sat in the principal's office, both with a few band-aids slapped onto them.

Principal: "From what I hear, the two of you instigated a fight with your peers. Anything to say?"

Seth: "They asked for it sir!"

The principal looked at Seth.

Principal: "Seth Argent, right?"

The boy nodded.

Principal: "You're new here so I'll wave this off as a small bit of culture shock."

He then turned to Izumi.

Principal: "But for you young lady, I'll have to inform your mother of what's happened."

Izumi looked down.

Izumi: "Y-yes sir."

Seth: "But sir, they started it! They were picking on her!"

The principal sighed.

Principal: "I am well aware of the situation and am handling it as best as I can. Now, your parents should be here soon to pick you up. Get going, and stay away from those brats."

Izumi and Seth got up, left the principal's office, amd headed towards the front if the school. Izumi looked nervous while Seth walked with his arms behind his head.

Izumi: "W-why did you do it?"

Seth: "Huh? Do what?"

Izumi: "Y-you know, help me."

Seth: "Cause why not? No one else was so it was up to me!"

Izumi: "B-but they'll go after you now too."

Seth smirked and pointed at his eyes.

Seth: "Ha! As long as I've got my quirk, they won't be able to touch me!"

They walked outside to see their parents. For Izumi there was her mother, a shorter woman with hair slightly brighter then her own and the same eye color. For Seth it was a man with bright white hair and brown eyes and woman with blond hair and eyes identical to his. Seth spoke again before they separated.

Seth: "Let's hang out tomorrow, 'kay?"

Izumi gave him a small nod before going over to her mother and walking off with her.


Teacher: *Yelling* "Midoriya!"

Izumi shot up in her seat. She had somehow managed to fall asleep in the middle of a lesson.

Izumi: "H-here!"

Teacher: "Good cause I ain't gonna yell again."

She wiped a bit of drool from her chin as she heard a giggle from behind her. She whipped around to see Seth leaning back in his seat in a relaxed pose, a large grin on his face.

Seth: "Wakey wakey."

She gave him a small glare before turning back around to pay attention to the teacher, her ears also flattening to show annoyance. Class then seemed to fly by as Izumi focused on the lesson. The lunch bell rang and as soon as it did, Izumi could hear Seth's desk scrape behind her as he moved it to be next to hers, his lunch box already on his desk.

Seth: "Sooooo. How much sleep did you not get?"

Izumi geared at him again before sighing.

Izumi: "Twenty, maybe thirty minutes."

She pulled out her own lunch.

Seth: "And why is that?"

Izumi said her next sentence the same way she had the past hundred times.

Izumi: "If I'm gonna become a hero at UA then I need to study as much as possible."

Seth then poked her arm.

Seth: "With these pool noodles?"

She brushed his hand away as she took a bite of her food.

Izumi: "I'll start training soon."

Seth: "Aww, yes!"

Izumi: "But not with you."

Seth looked at her with an expression of both shock and disappointment.

Seth: "Whyyyy?"

Izumi: "And end up in a hospital bed? No thanks."

Seth sighed.

Seth: *Mumbling* "Not my fault they can't take a punch."

Izumi: "What was that?"

Seth: "Nothing!"

She eyed him suspiciously before turning her attention back to her food. They ate in silence for the rest of lunch before returning to their food. Though, they couldn't even guess what was awaiting them after school.

Fire and Eyes: Tale of Two HeroesWhere stories live. Discover now