Chapter 5: Want to hear the good News or Bad News?

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"Hey! Wake up!" A British boys voice says was I'm sleeping.

"Go away" I mumble into my pillow.

He takes my pillow from under me. "You have to wake up Love!"

"I don't want too.."

"Today we will answer your questions!" He says.

My head whips up so fast I nearly hit him in the head. "Really?"

He chuckles. "That got you awake."

"Well ya! I want some answers!" 

"Then get up and out of bed. I'll give you 20 minutes." He walks out.

"Only ten?!" I yelp but hes already gone. I get out of bed and change into a black dress put my hair up in a messy bun and head out to find Newt.

"Who you looking for?" Elias asks.

"Newt. Have you seen him?"

"Ya, He's at the box" Elias says pointing to Newt standing over at the box. I walk over.

"You lived!" he jokes.

"Yup! Now answers!" I say.

"Well this is the box. Every month a Glader usually a boy will come up" He says pointing.

"So I'm the first girl?" I ask.

"Yes. Now come on" He takes my hand and leads me over to the maze walls.

"This is the maze. Everyday we have some special Gladers go into the Maze. They're called Runners."

"They run the Maze? And they've found nothing?" I ask.

"Yes.. They run the Maze everyday and They have found nothing.." He sighs.

"They will find something. I know they will" I give him a small smile.

"I guess. Now Vivian this is important" He looks me in my eyes. "There are three rules of the Glade. Never ever ever go into the Maze unless your a Runner, which in your state probably won't happen. Rule two Never hurt another Glader. We need trust for this to work"

"Ok. What's the third?"

"Everyone must do their parts. No slackers. We don't have time for slackers." 

"Sound's simple enough" I note.

"Yep. Now let's go to the Homestead" We walk over to the building where I sleep.

"This is the Homestead?" I ask.

"Yup. It's where all the Keepers sleep." He says.

"It looks like the big bad wolf could blow it down" I say attempting a straight face.

Newt looks at it then me. He roles his eyes but his lips twitch. "We also have the Med hut on the top."


"We have the kitchen where the cooks make the food." 

"Ok. But what about all the jobs

 Builders, Sloppers, Baggers, Cooks, Med-jacks, Map makers, Track-Hoes, Blood Housers, Runners, First and Second in Command" 

"And what do they do?.."

"Builders build, Baggers deal with the dead bodies, Cooks, cook, med-jacks are doctors, Map makers make maps Track-hoes work in gardens, Blood Housers deal with killing animals, Runners run the Maze, Sloppers are the people who don't fit in anywhere else then First and Second in Command are the Leaders. Any questions?"

"What do you think I'll be?" I ask.

"Well.. You can't be a Track-Hoe, Builder, Bagger, Runner or Blood Houser. Probably a Cook."

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