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"Someone get the ghostbusters on the line!"

Phoebe walked through the streets of New York. She didn't know what she could do. No place wanted her there since she was a ghost now.

She couldn't go home. How could she face her family? They're homeless now because of her recklessness. The same recklessness that has probably just got her killed.

Phoebe passed by an alleyway with two young women. Phoebe could tell they were both ghosts.

"Aw, look," one of the ladies said. "It's a baby ghost. She looks like she just died. How long have you been dead? Two days?"

"More like two hours," Phoebe muttered.

"Wait, I know you," the second woman said. "She's that Spengler girl. She's with the ghostbuster."

"Former ghostbuster," Phoebe corrected. Phoebe couldn't believe being fired by her own mom was now the least of her worries.

"She's probably a spy for them now," the first woman said. "Get out of here. Don't show your disgusting face around here again."

Phoebe sighed and kept walking. Her body wasn't physically tired, but she was emotionally exhausted. She had nowhere to be or go. She didn't belong with her living family, and the ghost community didn't want her.

Phoebe eventually found the park she met Melody in. Phoebe collapsed onto a bench, staring up at the sky. She might be going insane, but she could've started to snow.


Ray placed the proton back onto the table. Lucky was still with him, but he was now also joined by the Trevor, Callie, and Gary. The five of them were stood around the table. "In here, we have the ghost that was with Phoebe when we found her," Ray explained. "We still haven't figured out what caused Phoebe to not transfer back at the end of the two minutes."

"Do we know where Phoebe is at this moment?" Callie asked. "In spirit, at least?"

"The other ghost said she saw Phoebe's ghost, but she left before we got here," Lucky explained.

"Shouldn't we be interrogating this ghost for information?" Callie asked.

"We're currently preparing a cell for her," Ray said. "We have Lars on that. Right now, we're treating her as a high level threat. We don't know why she needed Phoebe to extract her soul from her body, but her reasoning can't be good."

The winter was spreading in New York. "We also found Nadeem's ball destroyed," Lucky said. "What if the ghost was a servant for Garraka?"

"Right now, we need to focus on finding Phoebe," Trevor said. "I can't imagine how scared she must be."

"We will find her," Gary said.

The wall phone range. Ray answered the call. "You've reached the Ghostbusters, how may we be of service?" Ray asked. "Yes." There was a longer beat of silence. This one lasted maybe a minute. "Okay. We'll send some people over there. Thank you."

Ray hung the phone back on the wall. "Someone already did," Ray said. "Someone just called in a ghost sighting. The ghost is pretty much a dead ringer for Phoebe."

"Where?" Callie asked.

Peter gave them the name of the park. "Let's suit up just in case it's not her," he said.

"Is there a way to reverse the separation?" Callie asked.

Ray was reluctant before speaking, "We haven't figured out a way to reverse it other than the natural two minutes, but we'll find a way to make it happen."

The group then went to get suited up. "Phoebe, when I said make mistakes, I didn't mean this," Callie muttered. Though, Callie could only hope this was a temporary issue.

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