【The path to the border between this world and the next pt 2】Chapter 24

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Sesshomaru stood facing Naraku, both staring off at the moment as Inuyasha's group watched them from afar. Behind them, Hosenki spoke making Inuyasha's head turn.

"Young one do you still have the strength to fight?" He asked in his scratchy voice. His skeleton head rested against the mountain of bones inside Sesshomaru's father's stomach. Red glowing eyes caught the attention of Kagome who looked away to see what they were talking about.

Inuyasha got a bit closer to hear Hosenki out as he turned a lighter color coming out of his mind control from the tainted black jewel shard. On the battle's other side, Sesshoamru lifted his blade ready to attack Naraku. He then launched himself charging pulling his arm back and then forward shooting a blue ray attack blasting through rock pillars aimed straight for Naraku. The attack hit Naraku but his barrier made the attack useless and instantly brushed off. Sesshomaru planted himself back onto a different rock pillar.

The ground was littered with the bones of many dead demons with the skys adding an ominous gray to the world they were in. Many semi-sharp pillars from the ground shot up like small thin hills around the land in front of Sesshomaru's father's large skeleton body. Sesshomaru kept himself parched on one rock pillar collecting himself to think of an attack for Naraku. Naraku floated on the same level if not a bit higher than where Sesshomaru stood on his rock pillar. A pink orb surrounded him it was his iconic impermeable barrier.

"Heh, you're stronger than Inuyasha I'll say that much for you..." Naraku told Sesshomaru with a smug smile As (Y/n) watched the two sitting on the skull of a dead demon with his hands on his lap. A little worried He hadn't ever seen Naraku up close like this before and seeing him made (Y/n) nervous for Sesshomaru.

(Y/n) was not doubting Sesshomaru's strength, but that shady bastard would pull all his cards to win at any cost. (Y/n) though he may sit on the sidelines, he would help in any way he could. (Y/n) lifted his hand to his face and popped a small branch he then turned it to the edge of the skeleton and pushed his hand to the ground letting the roots flow and dig into the soil on the floor letting it sprout and slowly grow waiting for the moment to pounce. A few butterflies decided to flutter from his sleeves and roam around perching around the gravesites of the demons. (Y/n) had set his defenses and was ready for any tricky tricks Naraku might pull. His branches spread silently hidden thanks to all the bones.

Jaken joined (Y/n) at the edge of the opening in Sesshomaru's father's chest. He was looking up shocked by Sesshoamru's attack having little effect. "Incredible! Even the force of Lord Sesshomaru's sword could not break through Naraku's barrier.- Huh?" Jaken said before turning to look behind him at Inuyasha's group crowded around Hosenki's head.

(Y/n) and Jaken looked at each other then at them and hurried to listen in to what Hosenki was saying. "Unless something is done the impure shard will be assimilated into the sacred jewel"

"Heh yeah, that much we figured out on our own." Inuyasha added in a slightly sarcastic tone.

"Slay me before that happens," Hosenki replied sharply shocking everyone a bit. "You must slay me in order to break through Naraku's barrier." Hosenki added explaining himself.

Myoga jumped on Kagome's shoulder looking at Hosenki opening his mouth to speak. "Master Hosenki! Does that mean you will pass on your demonic powers to Inuasha's Tessaiga?"

"What about you though? What'll happen if I cut you down?" Inuyasha questioned a little taken aback at killing Hosenki.

"Hm.. Do you have the luxury to be worried about others... Besides..." Hosenki retorted in his scratchy voice before his skull head started to turn into solid diamond.

"Look at Hosenki's head!" Shippo shouted taking a step back shocked seeing Hosenki's body encasing itself in diamond.

"It's being covered by adamant!" Songo added just as surprised holding her giant boomerang over her shoulder.

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