We Remember Their Names, But Do We Remember Their Souls?

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We Remember Their Names, But Do We Remember Their Souls?
In fields where poppies sway, we recall their names,
etched in stone, in memory's flame.
But do we truly see beyond the veil,
to hearts that beat, to dreams set sail?

Soldiers, heroes, brave and true,
they fought for freedoms, old and new.
Yet in the shadow of the battle's toll,
do we perceive each noble soul?

Their loves, their cares, their passions deep,
in silent graves, their secrets keep.
They gave their all for liberty's call,
but do we hear their voices, one and all?

Beyond the uniform, the medals gleam,
lies stories untold, like a timeless stream.
Let us pause, and in reverence bow,
to honor them, then and now.

For in remembrance, let us find,
not just their names, but hearts entwined.
Soldiers and heroes, in valor's thrall,
may we see their souls, standing tall.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 29 ⏰

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