Weird (chap 3)

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Hi guys !! I'm sorry for updating so late, I'm finishing my finals at the end of the week, so I'll soon be able to write more.

> Chap 3 : 2207 words + no trigger warnings



The car enters Taylor's garage and she is still fast asleep on me. I decide to wake her up by shaking her gently. I say "We are home." and she replies "Ugh finally !! I can't wait to go to bed." I'm kind of concerned about her, she is usually full of energy and since yesterday she doesn't look good, and that worries me. I ask "You still don't feel better Tay ?" She replies looking down "No, I can't help but feel exhausted." I say "It's okay, maybe you catch a cold or something. Let me carry you into the apartment princess." I go out of the car and pick her up and head into our bedroom. Security staffs take our bags and put them at the entry, and we thank them.

I settle Taylor on the bed and I take a look at her, as she closes her eyes. I say "Tay are you sure you're okay ? You look really pale right now, like you may pass out." She answers "I'm fine don't worry, just a little bit of a headache due to the flashlights but it's okay. I think I just need to sleep. Could you cuddle with me ?" I answer "Do you need some Tylenol ? And of course I'll do whatever you want to make you feel better." She replies "No don't worry it will pass on it's own if I sleep." I get on bed next to her, I caress her pale face delicately with my hand, at the same time I check if she doesn't have a fever, and thankfully she doesn't. I plant a small kiss on her nose and lay down to cuddle with her, and a few minutes later we are both asleep.

An hour later, I woke up by sudden movement next to me. I look on my right to see Taylor trembling a lot, I would even say convulsing. I exclaim "Taylor !!" I'm panicking because I don't know what I'm supposed to do or not. Taylor's eyes are open which is kinda scary, she looks like she is in trance. I put my hands on the side of her face, trying to get her out of this mess. I continue to call her name and caress her face, and a few seconds later she finally comes around. She looks so distressed, I say "Omg Taylor are you alright ? What happened was so fucking scary." She sats up on the bed and answers taking my hand "I... I think I'm fine... I don't even know what was that. Trav it's scaring me, I don't know what's wrong with me these last few days." She starts to cry so I pull her in a hug, and a sigh of relief escapes my mouth and I say "I'm so glad you're okay, you were convulsing under my eyes, I was so freaked out I didn't know how to react. Taylor we really should take you to the doctor, what just happened wasn't normal, you have to be checked out baby. I know you're scared and it's okay, you've got me and I'll never let you down, okay ?" She nods her head in my chest and we call our doctor to see if she was available soon. As we are celebrities, we have a doctor consulting at home because we want to keep health related things private. Taylor ends up having an appointment in the end of the afternoon because her doctor find her case concerning which doesn't help my nerves. It was currently around 2pm and we still haven't eaten anything. I ask my wife (//yes they are married//) "Tay do you want something to eat ? Maybe it could help a bit." She answers "I don't feel like eating right now, I'm too tired. But maybe later, just before the appointment." I nod and kiss her forehead then let her fall asleep curled up next to me.

It was now 6pm and the doctor would be here in 30mn so I wake Taylor up so she can get ready. She groans as I'm gently shaking her, I chuckle a bit because Taylor always hate being woken up when she was sleeping. I ask "How is my precious wife feeling ?" She opens her eyes and says "A bit better, but still not back to my normal self." I plant a kiss on her cheek and say "I'm sorry you're still not so good, let's get you ready, the doctor should be here soon." We get up and Taylor takes a quick shower and get dressed in a comfy outfit. Once she is ready, we descend down the stairs and settle in the living room on the couch. Just a few minutes later, our security tell us that the doctor is arriving. I walk to the entry and welcome our doctor Mrs Callaway. I lead her to Taylor who is laying on the sofa. The doctor greets Taylor and says "So Taylor, I heard you were not feeling really good lately, can you tell me what has been going on ?" Taylor sits up a bit and explains that she has been really exhausted and frustrated these last few days, and also the crisis she got this morning. Dr Callaway takes notes on her computer and asks several questions and finally gives her opinion "Well, to be honest with you I don't really know what is causing all of this. It can just be a cold or something, so I suggest you to take some vitamins in order to fight the exhaustion, and we will see how your state evolves in a few days, okay ?" Taylor and I both nod and the doctor adds "Also Taylor I want you to try to eat, I know you may are not up to but it's important to get nutrients in your system." Taylor replies "Okay I'll try, thank you so much for allowing me having to have an appointment that quickly." Dr Callaway says "Oh that's no problem Taylor, I hope you'll feel better soon. Don't hesitate to call or text me, at any hour if something weird or unusual ever happens, alright ?" We nod and Taylor smile at her doctor for being so kind with her.

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⏰ Last updated: May 21 ⏰

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