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On a rare occasion one night, Tae snuck out to visit Suni at her apartment. In full disguise of a heavy padded winter coat, a long scarf wrapped around his neck several times, a baseball cap and sunglasses, he looked like those thugs who looted stores in America.

Suni decided to meet him outside in the small courtyard. There was a chill in the air as light snowflakes fell from above so she pulled her bucket hat down a bit, adjusted her face mask, and crossed her arms against her puffy coat to gain more warmth.

"Well, hello, Mr. Grammy-nominated-recording-artist," Suni greets Tae when he appears. He chuckles softly, takes off his sunglasses, and smiles with his eyes.

"Hi," he says in his sweet voice. Turning toward the door, she stops him by grabbing his hand.

"Wait," she says. They stand there facing each other under the apartment building's muted outdoor light as Tae waits for an explanation. Suni looks up and admires the white flakes dancing in the late November air. "I just want to stay out here. This is the first snowfall."

Tae's eyes flicker, taking in the scene around him. "Ah. You know what they say. If you see the first snowfall with the person you like, true love will grow between you and it will be long-lasting."

He takes her hand and intertwines his long fingers in hers. Suni looks deep into his eyes and says with a grin, "I hope so."

Tae gives her his signature boxy smile and releases her hand so he can squat on the ground. In the light layer of fallen snow, he writes with his finger "I ♥ You." Putting her hand on her heart, Suni sighs, mushy schmoopie feelings rising in her heart. Oh gosh, he's so romantic! she thinks to herself.

Suni squats next to him and adds to his writing "Tae." They share a smile. Then she scoops up some snow and throws it into the air. Tae grins and tosses some at her. The exposed areas of her face feel a prick of coldness. When she flings some snow in his direction they both giggle like kids. For maximum effect, he pulls down her face mask so the ambush of snow hits her square on the cheek. Her attempt to retaliate is met with some resistance from him, but eventually they are now without any material on their heads, throwing the powdery white fluff at each other. Then to her surprise Tae embraces her, the force of his hold causing them to almost topple over, but he anchors them steady as they sit on the cold, wet ground.

Suddenly, out of the corner of Suni's eyes, she notices something. A shadowy figure is seen above the gated wall and holding a phone camera pointed at her and Tae.

"Tae..." she whispers, worry in her voice.

"I know, my butt is getting cold." He starts to rise from his sitting position.

"No...someone is taking our picture," she says quietly, her eyes darting between him and beyond the courtyard.

He gulps. For a few seconds, he brushes some snow off his coat, saying his next words to Suni without making eye contact. "I'm going to slowly get up and leave the courtyard through this gate. You go out the other gate and around the back. Okay?"

"Are we really doing this?" she asks, hesitation in her voice.

He nods. Then he stands up, the snow off his coat falling on the top of her head. First he walks, then he sprints out of the courtyard while she notices the sasaeng disappear below the wall and presumably run away. Like a ninja, Suni, in a stealth-like manner, rolls onto her feet and heads out too. Once on the sidewalk, laying low and crouching behind some bushes, she searches frantically for Tae. At first she doesn't see him so she advances down the concrete walkway.

"Hi, Suni!" Yuna exclaims, climbing out of her car a few feet away. Startled, Suni stops and turns towards her.

"I can't-" Suni shout-whispers. She starts to run away from Yuna and bumps into Tae, who was coming from the other direction.

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