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The next morning, Tae wakes up before Suni to see the December sun peeking through the curtains. Looking at her, he finds it comforting that she stayed the night but knows he has to explain his intentions. He has had questions about their relationship this whole year and doesn't want to leave her in the dark. With his arm around her waist, he snuggles her, knowing they need to talk, but she doesn't stir. He takes that as an opportunity to surprise his ex-girlfriend.

Many minutes later, Suni wakes up to the sound of Tae closing the door of the hotel room and when she opens her eyes she finds him at the foot of the bed with two trays of food: scrambled eggs, sausage, bacon, croissants, toast, and cups of coffee and milk.

"Breakfast in bed," he singsongs, giving her a boxy smile and resting the trays on top of the comforter.

"Ooh...Tae, thanks!" she squeals in a raspy voice, delighted by the feast. Thinking of the night before, she internally swoons at how good he looks even with a slightly puffy face and messy morning hair.

As he joins her on the bed, he mirrors her position of leaning against the headboard. He helps her first by spreading some strawberry jam on a piece of toast and holds it up to her mouth. When she takes a bite and some jam sticks to the corner of her mouth, he notices and cups her cheek, using his thumb to wipe it off.

He's about to lick it off himself, when Suni has a sly look in her eyes and takes his thumb to her mouth almost enveloping her lips around it just as her pink tongue can be seen. Tae's eyes darken, enjoying the look of her messy bed hair and flirty eyes.

This feels familiar, she thinks to herself.

It makes her pause to think that they're acting like a couple again, the lines blurred between "just having fun" and "reuniting." Dropping his hand, a bit embarrassed of her bold action, she then notices the concern in his eyes.

"Shouldn't I have hidden when they brought up room service?" she asks, changing the subject and taking a greasy piece of bacon from a plate. "No one can know I'm here, right?"

"It's okay," he says nonchalantly, piercing a sausage with his fork. "I ordered for two, so someone knows. And I don't care. I've spent a lot of time this year exploring myself. I was looking for what makes me happy. And what's my purpose in my own life. Like, what do I really love to do." Tae's tone turns serious and his eyes are like deep pools, reflecting the unrest in his soul.

"I decided to fix the contract with the company and demand they decrease the rules. I've been following their orders since I was sixteen. I was tired." He takes another bite and chews with his cute pouty lips. "I have more freedom now."

She nods slowly, taking this all in. "You're pretty cool for doing that."

"You know, I could get you your old job back at BigHit," Tae offers, cautiously, waiting for her reaction with anticipation.

"Oh?" Her eyes wide and her eyebrows raised, she's confused by his offer. Why is he being so nice? "That's okay. My mom knows someone who works at YG."

"So...you are moving back to Seoul?" he asks, his eyes darting between her and the food, fishing for information.

"Yeah. I guess I forgot to mention it. It's been a year here in LA so I'm ready to go back home."

Tae dips his head down and back up with a "Hmm...," very interested in this news. Picking up the cup of coffee, Suni inhales the aroma and notices it's light brown in color, making her smile.

"I remembered you like hazelnut creamer in your coffee," he says, while helping himself to some eggs.

She pauses before enjoying the warm beverage, impressed with his good memory. "Aren't you sweet?" It almost feels like old times, the good times they had together. But she knows it has to come to an end and she doesn't want to overstay her welcome. "So...I guess you should let Han know I'm almost ready. I'm sure you're busy today."

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