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-for the french in this book,use deepl translate on google-

Margarita 'Peggy' Schuyler was just drinking her wine when a man she didnt know approached her.

"Hey sexy. How about i take you back to my place and we can fuck" the man says.Peggy quickly looks over her shoulder then back at the man.

Lafayette happened to be at that same bar. He was exiting the bathroom when he saw a girl who he didnt know looking uncomfortable.

Lafayette walks up to Peggy and the man.

"Sir,can you stay away from my girlfriend?" Lafayette asks the man,his french accent strong.

"She looked lonely. Where were you?" The man ask's Lafayette.

"I had to go use the restroom now please stay away from my girlfriend. Babe,are you ready to leave?" Lafayette answers the man and asks peggy a question.

"Yea,im ready honey. Lets go" Peggy answers,playing along with the stranger. She walks out with Lafayette.

Once they exited the bar,peggy breaks the silence between them.

"Thank you for the help..but why did you help?" Peggy tells him.

"Your welcome and i saw you looking uncomfortable."

"Well thank you sir"

"My name is Lafayette"

"My name is Margarita but i go by peggy" She introduces herself.

"Well,Peggy. Do you mind if i get your number?i want to make sure you get home safe." Lafayette asks her.

Peggy pulls out her phone and hands it to him.

"Enter your number. I will text you when i get home"

Lafayette enters his number then hands peggy her phone back.

That night,peggy texted him as soon as she got home. They had a long conversation and fell asleep on FaceTime.

-2 weeks later-

"Come on peggy! We get to meet elizas boyfriend and his friends today!" Angelica tells peggy as she slides her converse on.

She and her sisters walk to the car,eliza driving,angelica in the passenger seat and peggy in the back.

Peggy pulls out her phone and texts lafayette.


pegs:its urgent

laf:yes peggy?

pegs:help me,my sister eliza is making me and my sister angelica go to her boyfriends house so we can meet him and his friends

laf:damn,sounds like a you problem

pegs:I don't wanna go

laf:tell me how it goes and tonight we can get drinks

pegs:okay bar dude

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⏰ Last updated: May 05 ⏰

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