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Disclaimer: sorry guys I know I'm inconsistent with posting new chapters tough times or something like that tbh with you though it's a love hate thing going on I hate writing but I do love my ideas of warhammer 40k any ways I'm not gonna waste your time here you guys go

James could see the Everson as clear as day when that thing stepped out of its drop pod it was 600 yards from the church's main entrance but as soon as it locked eyes with James it was gone in a blink of an eye sprinting and covering ground in a matter of seconds but James knew this already he knew what fucking Monstrosities the imperium was cooking after all the shit he's been through finding his kids he's wasn't going to let some drugged up super soldiers take his life so easy the Eversor was quick and durable...... but not immortal after all his movements where no more than an Amateur James hears it howl in a fit of blood lust as it lunges through the door into his first trap with lighting speed the eversor slashes at what it thought was the target only to realize it was no more than a hologram as soon as its feet hit the ground four harpoon like wires shoot up barely piercing its outer armor Electricity begins to erupt from the two mines he had placed on the ground before 5000 volts the eversor begins to scream a mixture of pain and rage from the side lines the the vindicare was shocked at what she was witnessing her attention quickly Diverted as she could see James come out of his camouflaged state it was as if he'd walked out of the darkness itself James lunges at the eversor with his right mechanical limb delivering a powerful over hand hook into the already stunned eversors head with a thundering Crack the eversors right knee buckles before it even had a chance to stand again James quickly unholsters his pistol with his left hand "shoot now damn it!!!" He screams back to the vindicare she snaps out of her Daze and unloads her whole magazine simultaneously and in Sync with James, after a few seconds James takes 2 steps back "I know this fucker isn't dead" he thinks to himself as he drops the magazine from his pistol quickly reloading it the vindicare also does the same as she walks out of her cover she makes her way next to James "this won't keep him down for long" She says cutting through the Erie silence James responds "I know we need to head out now before...." he voice is cut short as a barely noticeable sound comes from the eversor."tshhh" James eyes widen as he knows what that sounds meant the eversors automatic stim drugs started to inject before he could utter the word RUN he could see the eversor starting to stand again but it was unnatural he didn't use any of his arms just his legs as it began to stand upright again it hunches over then in a flash the eversor Dashs forward with lighting speed using its hand as a weapon it attempts to pierce its target straight through only to miss the female vindicare had no time to react shit she couldn't even see the damn thing move all she remembered was being shoved to the ground dazed and confused about what transpired she gets up and looks behind herself only to see it was James who shoved her she could hear his voice it was shallow he was grasping for air "hey girl......u ok" it took her only a second to realize but he had saved her from being impaled she was shocked "why.... why would someone she barely meet go this far, let alone someone who had just attempted to take his life, even would spare someone of her caliber she's expendable a Meer Inquisitors tool..... no, the imperiums tool. " Still shocked she takes off her mask and only mutters one word."Whyhy?" Her voice was soft ,sad ,confused she couldn't even begin to question why a man like this would go this far for someone like herself he barely knows her . Her thoughts are quickly interrupted by James. James vision was quickly fading but with his mechanical arm he was holding onto the eversors arm with all his strength he had to think fast he could feel the eversor trying to yank its hand out of him so he did just that as soon as he felt that yank he went with that motion quickly closing the gap between himself and that thing he sweeps the eversors dominant leg and pushs forward landing on top of it James secure a top mount position the eversor howls and screams in rage trying to push James off it but James was to determine not to let this thing move any further as he struggles to hold his Conscienceness he hears from the back of him the words "why" in a brief moment a sense of clarity runs down him as he turns his head he sees her his baby girl his pride and joy everything was for this moment a side of him knew that she wasn't really his baby girl but the resemblance was like looking into a mirror of her he lost to much blood he was starting to Hallucinate more in that brief moment all he could utter to her was "run little bird" the female vindicare quickly contest "no" She yells back only to be meant with James fury "damn it Alaina!!!! I said run!!..." he starts puking blood before finishing "now damn it!!!!!" All this shocked her to her core she didn't know how to respond Alaina? Little bird? His voice was so protective so determined when they where said this whole situation was just bewildered but something about made her admire this man even more
She takes a step back before turning her back on the man who saved her and sprints towards a far corner of the catholic church where there were crates stack upon each other with ease she quickly climbed them Scalding the building with no effort until she was finally out of the Cathedral James finally focuses all his attention onto the eversor he had pinned down still thrashing trying to get James out of its way it slashes at James face with its freed hand near missing James lower jaw James retaliate by slightly picking himself up and grabbing the eversors wrist  and yanking it out barley making a big enough gap where he slams his knee onto the eversors Bicep securing a full pin his Conscienceness was nearly gone though he lost way to much blood he's starting to have brief Momentarily black outs with his now freed hand he makes his last stand he takes his final deep breath "I'd be damned if I'm gonna be taken out by some drugged up junky like you" he says to the eversor before clicking a button on his  mechanical arm "but don't you worry pal we'll both be going to hell together" beeping starts to come from his arm.....

The vindicare was a good distance from the cathedral she was sticking to the shadows of every possible building near her due to servitors in the are before she heard it a thundering explosion erupts from the building shaking the ground from beneath her she turn quickly only witnessing the after math still though the word he said echoed in her mind as far as she could remember the imperium identified her as just a number no more no less so why does she have this unsettling feeling in her chest she quick dismisses it before walking deeper Into the shadows disappearing into the abyss

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