The First Time Away

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"Are you sure you'll be alright?" Taylor asked nervously. Since Lilyana's passing, life had become more chaotic than they could have ever imagined. The past two weeks had been filled with tears, snuggles, appointments, more tears, and ice cream. After a few troublesome days with limited communication, Travis started opening up more (much to Taylor's relief), and they began navigating the loss together. Now, nearly 3 weeks later, they were settling into a routine, and life was beginning to feel normal again.

However, this day was going to throw a wrench into that routine. For the first time since Rosalie's arrival, Taylor was headed to a work meeting - which was sending her nerves through the roof.

"I know it's scary leaving her. But we'll be alright. We're going to play outside a bit, then somebody is going down for an N-A-P. Isn't that right Rosie?" Travis explained. Rosalie ignored him, her entire focus on coloring a firetruck blue. They had learned (through many, many tantrums) that Rosalie was a very determined little girl, always wanting to do things that were beyond her fine/gross motor skills, coloring being one of those things.

"Bye, my Rosie Posey. I love you" she whispered, pressing a kiss to her head. Rosalie didn't even flinch, still starting intently at the coloring sheet. Taylor sighed, trying not to take her lack of reaction too personally. "Bye babe" she said, giving Travis a sweet kiss of his own before finally heading out the door.

Luckily, the car ride to the meeting was incredibly short - leaving Taylor little time to dwell upon her thoughts or change her mind. However, as she walked into the building, that uneasy feeling in her stomach was intensifying.

Tree noticed it first. Tree always noticed everything.

"How are you holding up, hon?" she asked, a comforting hand placed on Taylor's shoulder.

"I know this might sound silly, but I was scared about leaving her today. I know she's with Travis and will be more than fine, but I just feel so...nervous about it. She's so little and she needs me" she fretted.

"That's not silly, it's just your parenting instincts kicking in. I was the same way when Lara was born. It gets easier as time goes on, I promise. Now let's get down to business, so you can get home to that baby girl of yours faster!" Tree told her. They quickly joined the rest of the team, Taylor taking her place in front of the whiteboard.

She found herself getting drawn into the world of her business once again, discussing tour plans and finances with the team - a much needed distraction for her anxieties.

In fact, she became so engrossed in the conversation that she almost didn't hear her phone beginning to ring inside of her purse.


On the third ring, she finally realized that it was her phone ringing and picked it up - to find the one contact name she was dreading right now.

Incoming call; Trav

"Excuse me for a moment" she said to her co- workers, stepping out in the hallway for a moment. The second she answered the call, she heard the sound of Rosalie's intense shrieks echoing in the background. Ut-oh.


"I'm taking Rosalie to the emergency room right now. I think she's having an allergic reaction, she just started breaking out and, and, and..."

"I'll meet you there right now. Text me the details" she said, and he responded with a nod. As soon as the call was done, she ran back into the conference room to grab her things.

"My baby...sick....have baby" she tried to explain, throwing her coat on as quickly as possible. Without another word, she ran back out of the room, headed straight for the car.

"Don't worry baby girl, I'm coming" she mumbled to herself as she hopped into the car.

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