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"Tay?" Travis called out, walking through the house. He was used to chaos when he returned from practice - Rosalie and the dogs running to the door to greet him, and then Taylor giving him a quick kiss once everyone else had settled down. But today, nobody seemed to be around. An eerie silence had taken over the house, and it made Travis feel uneasy. The security team was here, so Taylor and Rosalie had to be.

But why was it so quiet?

"Rosalie? Taylor? Hello?" he tried again. His worry only increased when he got to the stairs and noticed an unlatched baby gate. Taylor would never leave the baby gate open. She was the one who'd suggested they get one in the first place - just until they were confident in Rosalie's ability to go up and down the stairs on her own.

"Tavy!" a little voice cried out.

"I'm coming, Rosie" Travis responded, following the sound of her soft cries. He kept walking until he reached the end of the hallway, finding Rosalie perched on top of a cabinet. She was whimpering softly, while looking up at him with big, tearful eyes. Chauncey was laying in front of the cabinet, his eyes protectively trained on Rosalie. There was no sign of Taylor.

"Oh my god...come here, baby girl" Travis scooped her up, holding her trembling body close to his chest. She was scared to death, the poor little thing. He rocked her gently, trying to soothe her whimpers. What on Earth was happening?

"You're safe, sweet girl, Tavy's got you" he reassured her, while rubbing her back in circles. "Do you know where Lolo is?" he asked, preparing himself for the fact that Rosalie probably wouldn't be able to give him a straight answer. She was only 2, after all.

"Lolo yucky" she explained, sadly.

"Lolo feels yucky?" He asked for clarification. Rosalie nodded in response. Without another word, Travis shifted Rosalie to his hip and darted towards the bathroom. When he knocked once and didn't get an answer, he flung the door open.


AN ~ So, do we want a Part 2? 😂

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