Who are you?

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We arrived back at the house and I felt absolutely amazing. I couldn't stop touching him. I kept planting kisses against his face and neck as we were driving. I kept grinding against his hard length.

He was growling and his eyes had turned black but did nothing to deter me but hold me in place when I got too overzealous.

As we pulled up and he turned the ignition off, he damn near ripped the car door off its hinges and marched me inside.

A few people milling around turned to look at us in surprise but upon looking at Theo's face, turned away and minded their business.

We made it up to his room before he laid me down gently on the bed, just gazing at me with those feral eyes. I couldn't even feel embarrassed about my soaking panties or my desperate behavior.

I tried to pull at him. Trying to make him kiss me or at least do something! But he stayed still, immune to my efforts. I whined.

"Please, Theo"

He closed his eyes and pressed his forehead against mine, growling softly in his chest.

"I can't" He gritted out. "I need it to be your decision. I need you to understand all of the strings that come with me and choose me anyway because you want to" He opened his beautiful brown eyes and looked at me pleadingly.

I frowned.

"We're mates, right? Doesn't that mean, no matter what, we end up together?" I asked.

He pulled away and began to pace. He ran his hands through his hair and looked at me with indecision. He almost looked... pained.

I didn't want him to be in pain.

I reached out to him and stopped his pacing with a touch on his arm. He groaned and pulled me to him, shoving his face into my neck, and softly kissing my mark. I shuddered pressing closer to him.

"My wolf is fighting me. He doesn't want me to tell you this" he said quietly. Like it was a deeply guarded secret.

I waited, running my nails softly up and down his back.

"If you choose to, you can...." He pulled me closer like he was scared I would disappear. "You're human. The bond is not complete. You can choose to reject me. The pull would still be there but... you could move on" He pulled back and looked at me fiercely. "I will never let that happen. I would rip the world apart to find you. I don't deserve you but I will do everything within my power to make you happy. I would do anything for you. You will never want for anything ever again. I will take care of your every need. I will -"

I silenced him with a passionate kiss and climbed up his body like a spider monkey. His words ignited a fire in me. I wanted him. I wanted everything about him.

He groaned into the kiss and settled me back on the bed. He was in between my legs, grinding into me. His hands were everywhere. We were a symphony of primal instincts and raw longing.

I moaned when he kissed his way down my neck to my mark. These stupid clothes had to come off. I reached down to do just that when he grabbed my hands and pinned them above my head.

I loved the way he dominated me.

In that moment, enveloped by Theo's presence, everything else faded into the background. The world fell away, leaving only him and the intensity of our connection. Every sensation, every thought, every breath was consumed by him, as if he had become the very essence of my existence. In his arms, I found solace, passion, and a sense of completeness that I had never known before. He wasn't just a person anymore; he was everything, the center of my universe, the embodiment of all I desired.

His kisses over my face, lips, and neck became lazy. He slowed down my passion until I was a languid mess beneath him. My moans became softer and his touches came to a stop. He gathered me in his arms and pulled me to the middle of the bed. I snuggled into his side with a sigh.

Wrapped in Theo's embrace, I drifted into a state of blissful relaxation. His tender touches soothed away the tension from my body, lulling me into a tranquil state. I nuzzled closer to him, feeling the warmth of his body against mine, the steady rhythm of his breath lulling me further into slumber. At that moment, there was nothing else in the world but the comforting presence of Theo, and for the first time in a long while, I felt truly at peace.

His nose pressed into my hair, breathing deeply.

"Who are you?" he asked quietly.

The question woke me up a bit.

"What do you mean?" I asked sleepily.

"Nothing. We will talk about it tomorrow. Go to sleep, baby"

I didn't have to be told twice.

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