Chapter 6 - Into the woods

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Adam along with the pound puppies had arrived in the woods, their main destination to find Whopper, Colette, and the stolen piece of the bone of scone. They all voice their concerns about going hiking to the woods. Unsure, or debating whether to press on, or go back?

"Wow, I have never seen so many bathrooms in one place." Beamer said in amazement, looking at all the trees and bushes in the woods. "You can say this is every dog's wish." Adam added. "Easy for you to say." Beamer replied. "Sometimes I don't like what the nose knows because the nose knows they went into the woods." Nose Marie said. "That means we're on the right track, Whopper and Colette have to be there." Adam added.

"He's right, and we're gonna go after them no problem." Cooler thought running right ahead without thinking. Nose Marie isn't too thrilled about it. "And get my new dress dirty?" She holds her dress worrying about getting any dirt on her pink dress. "Aside from that, shouldn't we plan ahead before going forward?" Adam suggested. Howler responds with a howl and mumbles hamanna hamanna. "We better get an armored car." Beamer chimes in with a different idea.

"Good idea, I'll go get it." Reflex liked the idea and attempted to go find one. "And just where would you find one?" Adam asked Reflex. Reflex thought hard about it, but in the end. He hasn't thought about where he would find the armored car. "I don't know." Reflex gives up and stays. "Sorry to shoot down the idea, but I don't think we can't waste any time." Adam said.

"Yeah, we have to stick together." Bright eyes agreed. "Exactly. We came together we stand together. Now let's go get Colette, Whopper, and the bone." Cooler said in a leadership way. Howler gets worried. "B-but what about big paw?" Howler stutters with worry. There's nothing to fear with Cooler here. Now let's go on to the rescue." Cooler leads on ahead while the rest of the group follows him.

The group takes a long walk to the woods, while trying hard not to lose their mind, or their cool. Making sure their head isn't playing any tricks. There are some parts in the woods that almost made Adam jump but so far it hasn't phased him. Adam thought to start some discussion to put their emotions at ease. Starting with Cooler.

"Hey Cooler, got a minute to spare?" Adam asked him. "Cooler has some, let me have it." Cooler gives Adam an ok to speak. "Just curious, what was your life like?" Adam wondered. "My life?" He tilted his head in confusion. "Your life from puphood, how the gang got together? What are the things you remember?" Adam asks Cooler.

Cooler did not expect for someone like Adam to ask about his whole life. "I never got a question like that before. To be honest, I don't know." Cooler said. "You mean you can't remember?" Adam guesses. "Pretty much, I can't even remember my life as a pup. It's all cloudy, like it's hiding something I forgot. But I will always remember the day I went to the pound, met my friends, and it changed my life. The pound used to be not pleasant, but it's nice now with Tammy and Jeff in charge now." Cooler describes his story.

"You'll remember, it happens. Sometimes I have a similar experience like you do." Adam said. "You mean your childhood is a bit fuzzy?" Cooler assumes. Adam nodded his head in reply.

"What about your parents, don't you have one?" Nose Marie asked. "Of course, my parents are busy with their responsibilities, Jobs to put it lightly. My mom works at a diner, and my dad works in a bar. So I spend my time with my uncle while one of them is out on their jobs." Adam explains. "Oh my, that's a hefty responsibility right there." Nose Marie replies.

"That's my busy parents for ya, sometimes they would assign me to do some chores." Adam said. "I know Whopper hates chores." Cooler chimes in. "At least my uncle brings out each book he lets me read. Stuff about Arthur and the sword I mentioned back at the museum. Thought to be boring at first, but the story gets interesting when you continue to turn the pages to see what would happen next. Not a bad read, that's what I say." Adam said.

"Better than singing in the woods. If I wanted to, I would do it somewhere at the perfect spot and scenery to do so." Cooler said. "Who says we're singing, why at a time while strolling? That would be a waste of time." Adam added. "Hey just wondering about something but uh, what's with the getup back there with the cats?" Beamer states

Adam scratches the back of his hand in embarrassment about Beamer's question. "Oh that, I had no idea why I had this habit. Whenever I see a cat, the word cat is all I say in a trance. I hope that isn't an issue." Adam said while feeling totally embarrassed from his habit.

"No worries, you probably saw the bell that happened at the pound. Every time I hear the ring of a bell, I get hypnotized and start going around smooching and saying those words at the same time. The scientist taught me." Reflex explains. "Just curious, who's this scientist that taught you about the bell? What's the whole story behind it?" Adam asks Reflex. Reflex's ears folded down from his question he was given.

Not comfortable to reply. Adam sees he isn't fond of what he said. "Actually you don't have to tell me. Sorry that I pushed the question further. I only know about that because of Tammy. " Adam apologizes. "No it's alright, you're fine. I just forgot to mention I don't want to think about it, that's all." Reflex said.

"At least I ain't alone with interesting perks that I wish we could control." Adam said. "I think it's adorable the way you said it. Bright eyes said to Adam. He rolled his eyes when bright eyes called his perks adorable. "Riiight." Adam said in a not so agreed way.

The walk throughout the woods went on. Only for Adam to stop in his tracks as he heard something. Or he thought he did. "What's wrong Adam?" Bright eyes asked. Adam took another look around at the woods, looking directly in the direction where he thought he heard someone, or something. Then he just shrugs it all off, convinced there was nothing. "It's nothing, let's go Bright eyes." Adam said and walked off. "Sure thing." Bright eyes replies and goes back to walking with the group. Walking besides Adam, reflex, and beamer.

Back at the castle of Mc.Nasty

At the laboratory, Bones and Lumpy are scrubbing the glass from the machine. Making the glass shiny and spotless. Whopper and Colette needed to figure out how to escape fast, as time for their turn into the mean machine draws very near. "We can't let em change us in that machine Colette." Whopper said filled with worry and fear. "How can we stop them?" Colette asks him, hoping for any great ideas to escape. "I think there is one little part, I got that all figured out. Because we're gonna get away." Whopper said. "How?" Colette wonders.

"Give me the crank to start the machine." Lumpy tells him what to do. "Right Lumpy." Bones does what he says. Bones walks over to the cage making Whopper and Colette gasp in terror thinking their time is up. Thankfully not just yet. Bones just got a scrubber and went to go help Lumpy before giving him the crank to start up the machine. Now that their backs are turned, and heads aren't looking. Whopper seizes his opportunity.

Whopper brings out one nail of his finger, putting the nail on the lock and starts to turn. Colette sees he's using his sharp nail to pick the lock. At first the lock looked difficult for Whopper. But with so much patience. Whopper did it, he picked the lock. "Whopper you did it." Colette said with glee with Whopper's efforts. "Let's grab the bone, and skedaddle out of here." Whopper said. Meanwhile Bones and Lumpy get ready to start the machine while Bones is focused on his thoughts about the boy and that mysterious necklace he had worn.

"Hey Lumpy, have you ever thought about what happened back at the museum?" Bones asks Lumpy. "Yeah, I thought about the time you screwed it up by leaving the other piece at the museum." Lumpy thought angrily. "No, I mean the kid with the necklace that glowed at the same time when you hit me with that bone." Bones brings it up.

Lumpy is starting to lose patience with Bones's random ramblings about some kid with the necklace. "Bones, forgot about the kid, and some magical necklace. Alright?" Bones said a little loud. "What was that?!" Lumpy and bones turn to see Marvin, their boss. Who just entered the scene. "What did you just say?" He gritted his teeth in seeth. "Uh, well." Lumpy tries to come up with an excuse.

"What? What did you say just now?" Marvin demanded an answer, while Whopper and Colette sneaked quietly, and snatched the bone from the pedestal. Then sneaks up quietly to the window. "Nothing, it's not important. Bones here was just saying utter nonsense about some kid with the magical necklace that glowed." Bones said. Hearing that only made Marvin's anger fueled even more that got Lumpy and Bones shaking in fear. Seeing he is about to blow a fuse.

"Does his hair happen to be blond?" Marvin tosses them another question. "Uh well..." Lumpy tries to find a proper answer carefully without making him mad even further. But of course. "Yes boss, he's blond." Bones confirmed. Lumpy gives bones the stare for that.

And it was all Marvin needed to hear. "The boy, the necklace, not only you left that piece at the museum. But you found that blond boy with that mutt, wearing the necklace that conveniently glowed right when you broke the bone of scone? And this piece of info wasn't the FIRST THING YOU IDIOTS DIDN'T TELL ME?!!" Marvin finally yelled, letting out the angriness he held.

Bones and Lumpy looked at each other, taken aback by his outburst. "No matter, I'll have to search around for some answers that my family left behind. Right now let's get on with it. Put those miserable manji mongerals in my mean machine." Before they could begin, Marvin notices something's missing. "Oh, no." And he wasn't very happy about what he saw.

Whopper, and Colette escaped, with the other piece of the relic. Through the window that's already opened. "They got away with the bone you IDIOTS! After them!" Marvin yelled an order at his henchman. Meanwhile outside, Whopper and Colette are on the run from Marvin and his two henchmen who may have figured out right about now.

"Are you sure we're going the right way Whopper?" Colette asks, wondering if Whopper knows what he's doing. "Sure, I'm sure. I think." Whopper wonders to himself. While running into the forest, Whopper decided to chat with Colette. "Did I ever tell you about the time I led an architect expedition?" Whopper asks Colette. "No, but I'm gonna hear about it now." Colette answered. Reluctantly listening to some of Whopper's story as they continue along in the woods.

"It was through a a zillion miles of ice and snow-" Whopper suddenly fell down into a ditch, and landed right into something that got him wet. "Oh my." Colette said to herself, wondering if Whopper is okay.

From what she sees, Whopper landed in a puddle that turned out to be a Big paw print. "I did that on purpose." Whopper said, trying to show off that he fell and landed safely on a big paw print puddle. Colette walked down to the lower level, and grabbed Whopper's paw as they made a hasty retreat somewhere while the loud noise was heard from the distance. So the first thing they find is a tree they can hide.

"I hope it's not those bad men looking for us. I'm so tired, better hide the bone." Colette hides the bone in her shirt pocket to keep it safe from the two bad men. Whopper sees a shadow walking past them. "What's that?" He went to investigate through the bushes. Then he saw something that caught his eye. He couldn't see it, but it looked tall. Very tall. Making him frightened and running back to Colette. "B-b-b,big paw, it was big paw. He's a zillion feet tall, and, and-" Whopper stutters, trying to tell her he might have actually seen it.

Of course. "Not now Whopper." Colette dismisses it, nor does she have time anymore of his tall tales. She grabs his paw, and they go back to running. Whopper has run out of courage to even continue. "L-let's get out of here." Whopper said.

Meanwhile Cooler and co continued on their rescue mission, and talked along the way. Adam listens to the conversation they're all having. Only to be interrupted by a howl in the woods. Making them halt, scaring the whole group. "Wha-What was that?" Howler grabbed his hat. Beamer shakes in fear from the howl. "Let's turn back." He suggested. "But we gotta keep going." Bright eyes said. "Says who?" Nose Marie said. "Come on, they're depending on us." Cooler said with encouragement.

Adam was looking around for the source of that sound, but then he saw someone, actually no. It's a familiar dog and pup. "Colette, Whopper!" Adam sprints towards them. They were all confused at first of Adam's sudden excitement. But when they saw Colette and Whopper. Now they see, and they're all feeling happy and relieved that they're safe and harmless.

"It's good to see you all again, Adam, I didn't expect you to come along but I'm glad you did. Thanks for coming to help them." Colette said with gratitude. Adam nods his head in response.
Colette goes to Cooler and Nose Marie , asking them the urgent question. "My babies, are they all right?" Colette asked, filled with worry for her pups. "The little darlings are ok, what we need to do is get you back to your babies before they starve." Nose Marie said.

"Adam, You're also here?" Whopper said, surprised Adam is present with the group. "That's right, But the real reason why is because of my mistake." Whopper doesn't understand what he's saying. "Huh, what do you mean?" Whopper asked. "It's all my fault, I should have made that decision to split up and leave you and Colette. I thought finding help would be an option, I was wrong. I only left you defenseless, that's why I decided to come with Cooler and the gang. Because it's the right thing to do. I'm sorry..." Adam said.

Whopper now gets it from what he's saying. He isn't bothered when Adam left to get backup. Him being here was all it mattered to him. "Oh, don't be. We all make the wrong move, besides. You were there with me back at the museum, and you're here now. That's what counts." Whopper said and gave him a quick hug.

After that, Whopper goes to the group to tell them about Big paw. "Wait till I tell you what I saw, it was big paw. I mean it. He's-" Whopper begins to tell them. "Save the story, let's get the bone back together and save puppy power." Cooler said, interrupting him. But that didn't stop Whopper as he begs for everyone to listen to him.

"No! Listen, he was big, he was huge." Whopper goes on while mimicking a monster stance. "Uh huh, sure." Everyone said, not amused with his assumed story. "And then he attacked, I had to act fast. So I gave him a left, and a right. A left, and a kick from the right-" Whopper does the left and right punch as he tells everyone. Trying to show off, when he tried doing a kick. He fell on the ground. Making everyone laugh in amusement at Whopper's antics.

Whopper didn't mind at all as he put on a smile, feeling a little embarrassed but he didn't mind it since it's always his thing he liked to do in front of his friends, However. "So glad you and Colette are okay." Cooler said. If only it was everyone, everyone except him. Not after that one time before this. When Whopper turned his head to see him, he went from happy pup, to an angry pup. So Whopper went to him and shoved him, as an angry response.

Everyone gasped at what he just did. Cooler is also shocked but confused at the same time. "Whopper, what was that for?" Cooler asked, wanting an explanation. "Who says I'm happy to see you?" Whopper said, giving him an angered look. "Woah woah, heel. What's gotten into ya Whopper?" Cooler asked. "I tried to tell you about the bad man, but you treated this warning as one of my dumb acts of imagination. What really hurt me is when you called me a dumb kid." Whopper claimed. All eyes were on Cooler, Adam stood and watched with his folded arms.

Cooler has no idea where he heard something like this. "I did? Where did you hear this?" Cooler asked. "I heard it, I heard from my own two ears. You think I would forget that after hearing that? You had no idea how it hurt my feelings when I shed a tear." Whopper said angrily, sounding like he was about to break down. That was when Cooler remembered. He did call him that, but he never think he would actually hear that coming from his mouth.

Now he really messed things up. "Look Whopper, I didn't really mean that as a way to hurt you. I only said that as a way to stop you from getting into trouble." Cooler said. That right there is where Adam joined in, not taking that excuse.

"Trouble? May I remind you something, he has already been through enough trouble. He was puppy napped. What's your excuse, Cooler?" Adam argued.

Meanwhile Bones and Lumpy are on their pink motorcycles, Lumpy puts on a brake. Putting his hand on his right ear. Listening to the commotion. Bones doesn't know why he stopped. "Hey Lumpy, why are we stopping?" Bones asked, only to get his mouth shut by Lumpy's hand. "Be quiet." Lumpy shushes him. Bones starts to listen, he hears them too.

"You hear that?" Bones asks if Lumpy hears them. "Ya, their argument is leading them right to us." Lumpy and Bones snickers as they sneak up to the sounds of the argument. With the bag in Lumpy's hand. Back to the pound puppies. Things were getting tense. "My excuse is because I just want to keep him safe. Don't you think being on high alert is the only way Adam? Would you do anything to help someone, anyone?" Cooler asks him.

Adam gave it a thought, and found an answer to that. "I will, anything. But becoming a bit too protective is a bit too much. Not to mention going as far as to make an insult. All just to push them into something they don't wanna be." Adam said. "It's the only way, the Coolers way." Cooler said with excuses. "Oh yeah? Like teach Whopper how to be mean to the cats like what you did moments ago?" Adam counters the statement. Cooler was caught off guard by his reply. Cooler rubs his arms in shame.

"I know they wanted to help, but I was too determined. The cats I saw back then weren't playing nice with us dogs. Maybe...I could have let Hairball and Charlemagne lend our help, maybe they would have proven to me not all cats are bad to me. I just wanted to do what's best for Whopper the future heir." Cooler said. Hearing that, this surprised adam.

"Future heir?" Adam said. Nose Marie and Colette thought it was a good time to stop this foolish argument. "Boys, boys." Nose Marie steps in. "That's enough, this has gone too far. Don't you agree?" Colette asked them. Whopper, Cooler, and Adam check on the gang. They just stood filled with shock, fear, and stressful enough to make Bright eyes emotional. "Whoa, that got intense." Beamer said. "Y-yeah." Howler replied.

Feeling bad, they decided to end that argument. "Gosh, we're sorry." Whopper apologizes. "Yeah me too. There's nothing else I can say for this." Adam added. "Sorry gang, I wished things didn't take a turn." Cooler said. "The important thing is we escaped." Colette said.

Out of nowhere, a hand from the bush snagged Colette. Howler tries to save Colette by grabbing and pulling, but the other hand grabs him from behind and now he's taken. "Hey!" Cooler shouts. "The heck?" Adam got jumped seeing this.

The pair of hands revealed to be bones, who managed to grab Colette and Howler. "Tried to run off with the bone huh? Oh you'll pay for that." Lumpy said. They came out from the edge of the bush to see the two bad men. Putting on an angry dog look, showing their fangs. "I think we better go Lumpy." Bones said as he put both of them in the bag.

"Well don't just stand there mutton head, MOVE!! Lumpy yelled an order. Him and Bones hurry to the pink motorcycle. "It's them." Adam said. "Come on gang, let's nail them. All the dogs run at full speed. Adam tries to run as fast as he can. Giving chase.

"Hurry up, bonehead!" Lumpy shouts as Bones puts the sack in the basket. Lumpy punches it fast. Making a speedy getaway. Chasing them throughout the woods, making a turn past the tree. Lumpy kept going, keeping the pressure on the pedal. Suddenly, they fell down into a hill, yelping. "Oh, no!" Lumpy sees a tree straight ahead.

No time left to react to make a turn. They drove right in the tree. Making the side part split up between both of them from their seats. Lumpy struggles to hang on while making the motorcycle bump and bounce and run right into the tree stump. Making him fly up and land right into the row of logs and start rolling down.

Lumpy tries hard to make sure to stay balanced without falling off and getting hurt. All the rolling led him to the abandoned mines. "Hey, um...m-mommy." Lumpy yelped and went right into the mines. Sounds of crashes echoed in the mines.

Bones came rolling down from the sidecar part, yelping in panic while putting his hands on his head. Protecting it. The sidecar stopped as Bones continued to wail. "SHUT UP!" Lumpy said in rage from the mines. "Get me outta here." He urged. Confused, Bones grabbed the sack and entered. "Lumpy, what are you doing in there?" Bones said as he tried to find him. "Gee Lumpy, it's dark and bumpy around here." He walked, and stopped. Looking around for Lumpy.

"Where are you lumpy? Tell me buddy ol pal." He looks around, getting concerned. Bones thought he's missing, or worse. Gone. But he did find him, except he's on top of him. Hanging on to his dear life trying not to fall. Getting irritated due to Bones on his back. "Get off my back you idiot." Lumpy said as he tried hanging on before losing his patience on Bones.

Outside of the mines. Cooler and the gang are at the steep hill. Finally caught up with them. while Adam finally caught up to them. Breaking a few sweats from running. "Good grief I thought this chase never ends." Adam said while huffing and puffing from exhaustion. "All right gang get ready to charge." Cooler gave command and rushed forward without thinking.

Even Nose Marie knows about that too. "But Cooler, we don't know what we're running into." Nose Marie said with hesitation about going in. But Cooler dismisses the warning because he thought he knew what he's doing. "Trust me." Cooler assures her.

Adam realized Cooler and co already ran ahead without a thought or a plan. "Hey. Oh crud, they just rushed in. Looks like it will be up to me if it comes down to this." Adam said to himself as he followed them. Oh if only Cooler listened to her, by the time they see a small hole and try to stop themselves. It was already too late as they lost control of their legs and couldn't stop themselves. Resulting one each dog falling down into the hole.

Beamer was able to somehow get that close to the edge as he tried to balance and stop himself from falling. Only to get himself captured by Lumpy. "Gotcha, the boss will love it." Lumpy said as Beamer struggles to free himself from his grasps. "An extra guard dog for a present." He was about to put Beamer in the sack next. "Hey, pick on someone your own size."

Lumpy and Bones turn around to see the same blond boy they remembered the first time they saw him at the museum with the little retriever. Lumpy steps forward and approaches him. "Lumpy, it's him." Bones said and pointed at him. "I know that idiot. Oh yeah? And Just what are you gonna do little kid?" Lumpy taunts him. "Yeah, what are you gonna do? Try scaring us." Bones taunts and laughs at Adam. "Yeah, intimidate us shorty." Lumpy taunts again.

Adam clutches his necklace, trying desperately to find a way to help Beamer in any way. But how? He lacks the strength and it's two against one. This was beginning to look hopeless for him. Until the necklace sparkled. "Huh?" Lumpy thought he saw some spark. The necklace glowed blue from Adam's palm. And shined through to make the area look blue.

"Hey, what's going on?" Lumpy and Bones see the changes in the mines. "Lumpy, I think it's about to happen again." Bones realized it's happening again. Adam also sees what's going on and tries to look at his necklace. "Now what?" Adam examines his glowing necklace.

The light from the necklace shoots out, catching him off guard and the energy surrounds him. His regular shadow started to change shape. Cooler and the gang couldn't see what's happening but all they see is a blue lightshow. "Hey what's going on up there?" Bright eyes wondered. Cooler is so flabbergasted at all of this that he doesn't know how to react.

Adam lets go of the necklace, and just stands. Emotionless, in his defensive stance. His shadow finally showed a silhouette with a crown. He starts to walk towards the two. Beamer who witnessed all of everything. Had a look that seemed intrigued. Adam stops in his tracks.

He starts facing Lumpy. His necklace made a flashing light, so bright it even hurt Lumpy's eyes. Letting go of Beamer. "My eyes, my eyes. I can't see." Lumpy puts his hands on his eyes. Temporary blind. Walking and not watching where he's going. Beamer growls at bones. Bones start backing up. "Nice dog, good dog." Bones puts his hands up in his defense as he walks backwards. Lumpy rubs his eyes and opens his eyes. Seeing Adam and Beamer.

"Be gone and go back to your master minions of Mc. Nasty. Tell him you and your sons of Mc.Nasty clans shall never have it. For as long as the bloodline lives. Now GO! Adam warns them. This is Lumpy and Bones que to flee. "Ok, ok we'll tell him, come on Lumpy let's get out of here." Bones said as he started to run. "Way ahead of you Bones." Lumpy agrees.

They try to make a run for it, then they see something. Two silhouettes hissing at them. With a tall scary shadow of theirs to make it more terrifying. Spooking the two men, they ran fast like a roadrunner making a trail of dirtsmoke.

Upon close inspection what they ran from was only the two cats. With that job done the two ran to the mines.

Back at the mines, the glow from the necklace started to fade. All of that energy made Adam tired, making him bend the knee. "Adam, are you alright?" Beamer checks on him. Adam rubs his head with hand. Trying to ease a little headache. "I think so." Adam replied. They hear all the barks coming from the hole. It's Cooler and the others.

"Come on, we better help them fast." Beamer said. Adam nods in agreement. "You two need a hand?" Adam and Beamer turn to see the two familiar cats. Charlemagne and Hairball. "Charlemange, hairball. Boy do we need it big time." Beamer said, happy there's unexpected help. With no time to lose, they went to help Cooler and the gang.

When they saw them down there in a hole, the rats rushed past them. Looking down there again after a brief interruption from the rats. They see them in quite a pickle. To make things even harder for them their loud barking just made the area rumble a bit.

"Cooler, over here." Beamer said. Cooler sees beamer, Adam, and even the cats. Filled with excitement. "Hey you guys, what did I miss up here?" Cooler asked. There was no time to reply as the rope began to break. "No time for that, get us outta here." Reflex pleaded. "Hang on, we'll get you all back up here." Charlemagne said.

"We're coming, be very gentle, the rope is tearing." Cooler gives them a heads up. Beamer and Adam nod. Both cats gave a thumbs up. "Alright guys, start climbing. Nice and easy." Cooler said and began to climb. It was all going well and swell. Until the rope is at its limit, and begins to break. "The rope!" Adam called. The rope tore.

 Cooler was about to make a plunge to the spikes along with his friends. However he sees someone's tail and takes the opportunity to bite and hangs on. Back up here, the tail is revealed to be hairball's. Gripping on the ground with his claws. "Yeow!" Hairball yelled in pain.

Adam grabbed hairball, Charlemagne grabbed Adam's back, and Beamer grabbed Charlemange's back. Forming a chain, they heave and pull with all their might. "I got your back Hairball." Adam said. "Hang on, keep pulling guys." Charlemagne said with motivation. With combined strength and wits, They managed to pull Cooler up. "Son of a gun." Cooler was surprised to see the team effort with the cats lending a helping hand. "Job for a dog huh?" Hairball said.

"We figured you need us sooner or later." Charlemagne said. Deep down their right, without the cat's help. They helped Adam and Beamer, and hairball's quick thinking by using his tail. "I never thought I would say this, but thanks cats you're alright." Cooler thanks them with an ok sign as he pulls the rope to get them up. The cats returned the gesture.

"Now let's get the rest of the gang out." Cooler said. The four went to help Cooler get each of them back up. Pulling one dog up and after another.

After a short moment, they all managed to get the rest back up. "Oh Hairball, you're my hero." Nose Marie gives Hairball a smooch. "Oh, nothing to it." Hairball said with a hiccup. "Adam." Whopper gives him an embrace. "Thanks buddy." Whopper thanks him. "Hey, you didn't think I would fall behind would I? That's the mistake I won't make again." Adam said. Bright eyes joined in on the hug. "Hey don't forget about me." She chimes in "Heh, I guess I can't leave you hanging huh?" Adam chuckles. Bright eyes reply with a giggle.

"Great work Charlemange." Reflex kisses her. "I love you." Reflex said. "Thanks, but we better hurry. Because without their mom, Colette's pupplings are fading fast." Charlemagne said. "Then what are we waiting for? Let's go." Whopper said, trying to act heroic. "There's just one thing to point out. Adam? What was that all about? That necklace, how did you do that?" Beamer asked. Adam took out his necklace and looked at it.

"I don't really know. This may sound crazy but... It wasn't me. I think it was someone else..." Adam said as he closely inspected the necklace.               

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