̶̶̶̶  «̶ ̶̶̶ ̶ «̶ ̶̶̶  Chapter Nine  ̶ ̶ ̶»̶ ̶̶̶ ̶ »̶ ̶̶̶  

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The second Jimin was done with training, he was ushered to leave, to get ready with the prep team. Apparently they had gone over their time for the assessment and were now on a tight schedule. Jimin's throwing skills were hopefully impressive. He tried his best...but for now he could only hope it was good enough.

Jimin barely even had time to make eye contact with Jungkook before he was whisked away to who knows where. Marius, Brielle, and Topaz all met up with him at one point, and the three of them led him to Seokjin. Jimin wanted to protest, to ask for just a moment to catch his breath, but then he remembered once again he was an animal here. He had no rights.

When they made it to the dressing room—or whatever term one would call it, Jimin had no idea—Seokjin was there. The older politely asked for a moment to talk with Jimin alone, and so the prep team rushed out quickly, their flamboyant voices fading as they left.

Jin gestures for the tribute to take a seat, so Jimin does as he was told.

"So, are you excited for the interview at all?" Jin smiles at Jimin, which comforts the boy a bit, but not enough for him to return the look. He really likes Jin, he just wished they had met under different circumstances.

"No," He says bluntly. "The interview only means I'm one step closer to death."

Seokjin purses his lips, unsure of what to say for a moment. "That's a very valid point. And I'm sure the crowds don't help the nerves. Interviews are scary, I understand."

Jin's voice calms Jimin in a way not even Jungkook's can. Jungkook was Jimin's biggest comfort. He was always there for him, standing up for him, holding him when he cried, loving him no matter what, and Jimin cherished it all. He loves Jungkook so much. But he was in a rough place too, he was having to deal with the ever-approaching Hunger Games too. Jimin didn't like to feel like a burden to him—the younger had already done so much for him after all.

With Jin, he doesn't have those kinds of reservations. Sure, everyone had their struggles, but anything Jin was going through wouldn't be nearly on the same level as the tributes. Despite being from the districts originally, Seokjin has obviously had a really good life.

And Seokjin was just kind to him. Jimin could just sit there, under the older's soothing aura and calming words, and feel okay, if even for a split second. His anxiety melts away when he talks with Jin. It was almost as if he could empathize with everything Jimin was going through, even though he had never experienced it himself. He was incredibly emotionally attentive...Jimin thinks he could maybe consider Jin a friend.

"They are scary, but I have to do my best," Jimin makes eye contact with him. "If I'm nervous, they won't love me as much as they originally thought they would."

"The fact that they already love you so much is a blessing, you know," Jin points out. "Most tributes have never, and will never, get that amount of attention. You're going to do amazing."

"I appreciate that," Jimin hesitates. "...Well, I'm sure you've had to do interviews. You're much more experienced than I am when it comes to The Capital anyways. Do you have any tips?"

"Yes of course, Honey," Seokjin beams. "Just try to look happy. Pretend you're at your most comfortable, think about your most beautiful moment in life. If you need to...remember that it's all for him. I'm sure you're thinking that anyways, but if it motivates you, you go for it! You're doing this for your best friend, Jimin. You're doing this for the one you love most."

Jimin nods slowly. "...I am doing it for him. Everything I've been doing these past few days have been for Jungkook."

"And please do me a favor," His smile fades away as he speaks. Jimin's eyes widen the slightest bit at his hardened tone. "Do not speak even remotely ill about The Capital. If you do, they will do everything in their power to make sure you die. They may even try to kill Jungkook in front of you. I know it's hard sometimes, what they're making you all do. The Games should be something unfathomable, something that should not exist in the world we live in. But this is reality. And to survive...well, unfortunately you have to play the game."

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