short chp: IF AH.portal12 meets RED HOOD AND D

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3rd person

Jade was working on her office, he puts papers on the table

Jade:*sigh* "why l have to do this?"

AH.portal12:"its because this is your job report some papers"

Jade:"eh!?, but l dont wanna!"

AH.portal12:"no butts or else l'mma sent you and your units into dangerous mission, last time you didnt tell me, that your mission was pretty easy but all the sudenly this a hard mission, l wonder why l'm having trouble to you on mission"

Jade:"b but l have a gun"

AH.portal12:"l almost forgot, you didnt training your gun, because you always hang out with your nikke"

Jade:"...........hmph! I bet you are jealous"

AH.portal12:"says the one who caught on 4K on last night"

Jade:"h huh!?, what do you mean!?" *blush turning to red*

AH.portal12:"ugh! You so disgusting, also youre a pervert on first place, you always thinking about me to get married"

Jade blush even more that he saw her, sudenly someone open the door, as he looks at nikke

Nikke one:"yo, beautiful!" *Wave hand at jade*

Jade:"red hood! *Hugs her* save me from this guy" *points at him*

AH.portal12:"oi jade! Dont tell me you scare of work are you And who the hell are you?"

Red hood:"red hood and you must be AH.portal12 or short AH-kun~~ right?"

portal12 or short AH-kun~~ right?"

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AH.portal12:"nice to meet you red hood"

AH.portal12 mind:'why the hell she's here?'

Jade:"l dont know, maybe she's wants to join your harem~~ l told her about you, and she was interested, so why dont you join your harem~"

AH.portal12:*laugh* "yeah no, also l'm not going to create a harem, also *looked his back and points at nikke* who the hell is she!? And why is she holding axe!?"

Jade:"oh thats D, so she from perilous siege"

AH.portal12:"........ *looks at her* she......still stared at me"

Jade:"well she's interested to you, that you become famous in this place~ all the nikkes talking about you~"

AH.portal12 mind:'l swear, if someone reporting this place l'm going to genocide and kill everyone all the cities!'

D:"nice to meet you AH-kun or should l say honey~"

D:"nice to meet you AH-kun or should l say honey~"

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AH.portal12 mind:'ah sht, yup she called me honey'

AH.portal12:"you know what l'm going to leave" *about to leave*

D:"darling *grab his shoulder and she still holding her axe stared at him* "dont think about to leave me"

AH.portal12 mind:'!! Her bloodlust was more dangerous than is she a assassin!?'

AH.portal12:"........then, what are you assassin?"

D:"yes~ *touch his face and whisper his ear* l am dear~"

AH.portal12:*push her away and draw his P90 wild shot quick draw at her* "l dont know what kind job are you in, also that l hear youre a master assassin, your eyes tells me to kill me or excuted me right on the spot"

D:"very inpressed, you knew about me, maybe you open my book, fine you can leave honey~"

AH.portal12:"you know what l'm leaving"

AH.portal12 leaves, with only left was three of them

Jade:"D......what did l tell you"

D:"aww, it was meet to him, that l though you hurt"

Red hood:"eh, l'm just meet that guy, also his skills are inpressed but his gun are very powerful than other guns"

Jade:"yeah, can you two leave my office"

Two girls:"hai!"

Jade begin to work, D and red hood leaves jade's office, as D and red hood smirk thier face

D and red hood mind:'darling/handsome~, l know you hiding something to us and now two of us will together give you some love~~' *yandere smile*

On sweety cafe, AH.portal12 feel chill down his spine that something happen to him, frima spoted on him

AH.portal12 mind:'why do l feel down my spine'

Frima:"there. Something. Wrong. AH-kun?" *Still on his lap*

AH.portal12:"no, but there was customers looking at us, if you please get off my lap or else your friends get mad at you"

Milk:"oi! You doing again frima! *Pull away from his lap and bow to him* l'm sorry to her AH-kun he likes your lap, please forgive us"

AH.portal12:"no thats fine, also is she always to sleepy?"


AH.portal12:"if you please focus on your work the customers are waiting to order something" *points at customers*

As milk drag frima back to thier work, as him he still remain his peace and drink his coffee

AH.portal12 mind:'ah.....the coffee still good it gives me energy and warm myself'

As sugar saw him drinking his coffee

Sugar mind:'it seems his enjoy his coffee, l wonder he likes tea *drinks her tea* still sweet *smile* two of us together will having tea time'

To be continue

I'm making a short chp because l was bored but it came idea to he's meet red hood and D, maybe l wonder should l next to chp on nikke goddess of victory and girls frontline on betrayed soldiers

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