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unknown number
open the fuckin door

The fuck? I hadn't even been here for three hours and there was already someone at my door. The only people who should know this location are Mj and Borrego.

No. Just no. I had a small idea of who it was but I desperately didn't want it to be him. I'd done so well so far. This was the last thing I needed.

who's this?

unknown number
i wanna apologize for last night

Damn, that was quick. I don't even know how he found me. Part of me doesn't want to open the door. Mainly because I didn't know what to expect. But the other half of me wants to find out if he's truly sorry.


Outside, Melo stood with his arms crossed. He was getting impatient. All she had to do was open the door, he thought. What's taking so long?

Hearing locks click, LaMelo smirked. She'd come to her senses. Soon the door opened and he shook his head, forcing himself in.

Melo- You're so fucking stupid.

Mariah- How'd you know where I was?

Melo- When I bought you that car I put a tracker in it. Your dumbass just never found it.

He said, grabbing his ex girlfriend by her hair after she closed the door behind her. Mariah let out a small yelp out of pain as he begun dragging her away from the door.

Mariah- Let me go nigga!

Melo- Did you really think I wanted to apologize? If anything you're the one who should be saying sorry to me. Especially after the shit you pulled Friday and earlier today.

Mariah- I'm not apologizing for shit. I meant everything I said bitch.

He'd brought her to the bathroom. Closing the door behind him and locking it, he threw the girl onto the ground.

Melo- Here you go with that word. What I say about calling me that?

He asked, kicking her right in the spot he'd punched her two days ago, making Mariah wince in pain. Her side hurt like shit, and she was certain he broke a rib, but she wasn't about to let him see her cry. Not after all this time.

Mariah- Fuck you.

Melo- You already have. Multiple times over a span of eight years. Now get up. You look fucking pathetic lying there like that.

Reaching out his hand, Melo bent down to help Mariah get off the floor. She used the sink counter to hold herself up and looked down as she felt his eyes on her.

Melo- You know I love you right?

He asked, lifting her chin up, making her look directly into his eyes. His 6'8 frame towered over her 5'11 one. Mari let out a soft "mhm" indicating she knew. This was the version of Melo she'd do anything for.

Melo- So you also know I'd never hurt you unless I had a reason to?

Mariah- Yeah..

Gently grabbing both sides of her face, Melo gave her a soft smile.

Melo- You just made me so angry, and I couldn't stop myself. You understand that right baby?

Still not saying a word, Mariah nodded her head.

Mariah- I'm sorry.

She knew damn well she wasn't the one who was supposed to be sorry, but looking into his eyes she felt like that fifteen year old girl again. The one who'd do anything for the boy in front of her. She was so in love with him, and it made her cry.

Melo- Don't cry. It's okay. I'm sorry too.

Crying was the last thing Mari wanted to do. But she couldn't help but melt in his arms as he brought her into a hug. She was vulnerable right now and he knew it.

Both of them stood there in silence as Mariah cried her eyes out. She knew from there on out her life would go back to the way it was from 2018 to 2019 when she finally left. She knew he had her right where he wanted her and the fact made her cry even harder.

Melo- I love you Mariah.

He told her as she finally pulled away from him.

Mariah- I love you too.

She said, looking up. He gave her a small smile and wiped a couple of her tears away before placing a kiss on her forehead.

Melo- Dmo wants you at his birthday party on Saturday. You down?

Mariah- Yeah, I'll be there. Just text me the address and time.

Melo- Good. It's getting late, and I gotta go. But text me whenever okay?

Mariah- Okay.

He left the bathroom and Mariah trailed behind him, watching as he walked in front of her. She gave him another hug as he reached the doorframe to leave and waved him goodbye.

The second Mariah locked her front door she felt tears welling up once again. She can't believe she'd been so stupid as to let him inside. He always tricked her with the sweet messages, making her think she was talking to the sweet boy LaMelo once was.

She had no idea what made him this way, and she hated herself for being too scared to say anything to the adults around her. But now she was that adult and there was no one to protect her.

Who knows what he'd be able to do to her now. Both of them lived on their own with no one else in the house 24/7. No one would hear her cries for him to stop.

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