The Devil's Music

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*At P4*

"This place couldn't be more dead if I was embalmed." Phoebe tells Prue and Phoenix as they sit at a table together.

"Yeah. I think that we're gonna have to take that offer." Prue tells them.

"We have no other choice." Phoenix tells them and Phoebe sighs.

"What's this guy's name again?" Phoebe asks.

"Chris Barker." Prue tells her.

"And he's not a loan shark or anything, is he?" Phoebe asks.

"No. He's a collector an investor. And it's a no-interest loan that we can pay back anytime. And, trust me, he's not gonna miss the money." Prue tells her.

"Hmm. Must be nice. When do we tell Piper?" Phoebe asks.

"Not anytime soon, that's for sure." Phoenix tells her.

"Not until the club is in the black." Prue tells them and Piper walks over to them.

"So, you guys do like the name of the club, right? P4. Little nod to the power of four, to us, partners." Piper tells them.

"Yeah. It's very clever. Uh...Piper, it's a little, uh...quiet in here, don't you think?" Phoebe asks.

"It'll pick up once word-of-mouth kicks in." Piper tells her.

"When will that be exactly?" Phoenix asks.

"Well, you can't predict these things exactly. It's not like starting a restaurant. Besides, the bank's not gonna call the loan. It's not like we're gonna lose the house." Piper tells her and then walks away from them.

"Who said anything about losing house? We're not gonna lose the house, are we?" Phoebe asks.

"No. Because we're gonna take that offer, and trust Piper to pack this place with people." Prue tells her.

"People? What people?" Phoenix asks.

"Where is everybody?" Phoebe asks.

*With Leo*

Leo's walking around a club that Dishwalla's playing at scanning the crowd as he walks through it.


"So, you like produce their records or what?" a woman asks Dishwalla's manager as they walk in backstage and closes the door behind them.

"No, no. Nothing that creative. I'm their new manager. I take care of things. Whatever needs to be done, I do." the manager tells her as they walk down the hallway.

"Wow! Man, I can't believe this. This is like, the most unbelievable thing that has ever happened to me." the woman tells her.

"Ah, the night's young." the manager tells her.

"I can't believe you picked me." the woman tells him as they stop outside of a door.

"Well, you seemed like a good...soul. Plus, you said the magic words. You said you'd do anything. Remember?" the manager asks.

"Yes. Yes, I do." the woman tells him.

"All right. Just wait inside. The band should be down any minute." the manager tells her as he opens the door.

"Thank you. Thank you so much." the woman tells him.

"Don't thank me yet." the manager tells her and then opens the door for her to walk in and closes it behind her and the woman hears thumping inside the room and looks around and then looks at the creature as it roars, and she screams, and the creature swallows her and then the manager walks into the room once it's quiet.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 07 ⏰

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