chapter four

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"be nice."

the group sat in a small area by the library. they were eating lunch. esme had packed a ham sandwich, crisps, fruit, gummy bears, and a bottle of apple juice. esme was sat on her knees, enjoying her lunch. oblivious to james's many stares.

"please michelle!" erin begged michelle. erin desperately wanted michelle to come to david's gig with her, as esme lied and said she couldn't go. and erin didn't question it again.

"no!" michelle said for the 500th time. "i have no interest in david donnelly's spazzmo band."

" 'chelle be nice." esme reminds her. she's greeted with an eye roll and a middle finger. esme threw a crisp at Michelle, and it somehow landed into her hand. she ate it happily.

"they look nice." clare said. holding her photo of kamal tightly to her. esme rolled her eyes. "I can't go on my own." erin rants.

"are they nice?" clare asks esme. "so nice." she teases as she puts a crisp into her mouth, moaning and being very over the top. she was a very dramatic person.

james couldn't help but feel flustered at the noise. you gotta let him off, he's a teenage boy!!!!!!!!!

"bring Bobby sands" michelle joked, referring to clare. "sure, how could i go? i'm so weak i can barely walk!" esme ate another crisp.

"what about orla?" esme asked.
"orla's-" before erin could say anything else orla blurted out. "i love my wee fingers."

"orla's mental." erin finished.
"i agree with you there." esme shrugged.

"please Michelle!" erin begs. "I'm begging you. it's my big chance with David."

james noticed how esme looked slightly sad when Erin said that. "Fine!" michelle loudly says. "but we both know you're gonna sit in the corner like a frigid fuck!"

esme was tired. she had a math test tomorrow and had not studied at all for it. She also had to sneak out again tonight to be with david. her thoughts thoughts were interrupted by the voice system. "Can the following pupils please report to Sisters Michael's office immediately, Erin Quinn, Orla McCool, Clare Devlin, Michelle Mallon, Esme Micheal, and the wee English fella. Thank you."

"Wonder what that could be about?" Michelle said.

Esme was about to walk to the office when James stopped her. "Esme?" she turned around, "yeah?". "Are you sister Michael's daughter?" The teenager sighed. "Yeah, sadly." "Oh, I was just wondering. I like your name. Is it short for anything?" She looked at the boy, studied him even. Before quietly whispering "Esmeralda." James smiled before nodding. "Nice." "No, not nice. I hate my name. It's weird." The boy looks at her with a small smile. "No it's not! It's.. pretty." She felt herself blush so she quickly turned away.

she was now sat on the bench by her mothers office. the girls were talking about getting expelled, and james went on about needing the toilet. she was deep in thought, about the most random of things. where does rain come from? is god real?. the random things.

she then hears the door open. her mother looks her up and down before saying "ladies."

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