party tricks and orgasms *

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A/N: I was too tired and forgot to proof read this so if it doesn't make sense sorry </3

you're at a party that tony had hosted, and as expected, so many people came. You're sitting by yourself at the bar when Natasha, your girlfriend sits beside you, her hand resting on your mid thigh. "How's my angel doing, hm?"

I blushed immediately at where her hand was and nodded, resisting the urge to let my legs close.

she grinned, pulling out a cigarette and lighting it, blowing the smoke away from you "so tell me, are you missing me?" she asked, her hand still on your thigh, slowly sliding up and under your skirt

I subconsciously let my legs open wider and nodded. "y-yes.. very much."

she smirked, slowly rubbing her fingers against your inner thigh, just under your panties "I can tell... it seems you're still a very wet angel for me" she teased, trailing her finger upwards until she reached your panties,

I whimpered and squirmed, I was desperate for her touch because she hadn't been here the past couple of days, so I was left to release my own tension.

she chuckled, pulling your panties down and rubbing against your wet entrance "so horny for me, hm?" she whispered into your ear, her finger circling your clit as she slipped another finger inside you.

I moaned but quickly covered my mouth as there were literally people in the next room, though they'd have no idea that Natasha was knuckles deep inside of me.

she smirks, biting her bottom lip "So fucking tight, baby." She groans and starts thrusting her fingers in and out, hitting your g-spot with every movement.

I nodded, I was quickly losing myself in the pleasure I was getting from Natasha. She knew how to push me into the depths of just the right amount of pleasure mixed with pain.

she pulls her fingers out and stands up, pulling you off the barstool. "Come on, angel. Let's go somewhere more private." She leads you to a dimly lit room where there's a large bed covered in plush pillows and blankets.

I huffed and groaned, annoyed at the empty feeling I was now dealing with and reluctantly followed her.

once you're in the room, she pushes you onto the bed, climbing on top of you and straddling your hips. "I missed being inside my little angel." she praised, leaning down to kiss you passionately

I moaned into the kiss, my body giving into what Natasha was doing to me.

Natasha moans into the kiss with you, her hand sliding down to your panty-covered crotch, rubbing against your clit teasingly as she deepens the kiss, grinding her hips against yours

"Natasha please, you've been making me do this myself for a week just please I need you now." I begged as I looked her in the eye

she smirks, pulling her hand away and unbuttoning your pants, sliding them down with your panties "You're such a needy little slut." she teases, licking her lips as she positions herself between your legs, guiding herself to your entrance

I huffed and whimpered as my body shivered, I was both excited and nervous.

with a wicked smile, Natasha begins to thrust in and out of you, going at a steady pace "That's it baby, let me fuck you senseless." she coos, biting her lip as she continues to work her hips, pushing deeper with each thrust

"oh fuck!" I moaned out breathlessly as I finally got the pleasure from the person I craved it from the most.

"Mmm, that's it doll, let every inch of my cock fill you up." Her voice thickens with desire, eyes narrowing as she increases her pace, causing your own moans to grow louder. "You're so damn tight around me, I can barely hold on."

"mmm, oh fuck.. faster, mommy please" I begged pathetically, my pussy walls clenching around her thick cock that was taking me roughly, just how I liked it.

With a low growl, Natasha picks up the pace even more, slamming into you over and over again. Her hips smack against yours with each powerful thrust as she takes what she wants from you. "That's it baby, take my cock!"

I moaned loudly and my back arched, my legs shaking from the overwhelming amount of pleasure I was receiving.

"Fuck yes, you're mine." She leans down to capture your lips in a passionate kiss as she continues to pound into you, her own moans muffled against your mouth. Her nails dig into your hips, marking you as hers.

"natasha I'm g-gonna cum" I panted out as my back arched more into her, greedily deepening the kiss.

She smirks against your lips, feeling the heat between them. Her thrusts become even harder and faster, pushing you closer to the edge. "Let go baby, cum for mommy."

my legs shook wildly and my hands gripped the sheets beneath me as I let myself come undone, feeling myself cumming all over her thick cock was certainly exciting for me.

Natasha groans against your lips, feeling you cum around her cock. She continues to thrust into you, milking your orgasm before slowing down. "That's it baby, cum for mommy."

my moans slowly turned into whimpers as I let myself regulate my breathing and recover from what just happened. I liked it, no, no. I loved it.

Natasha smirks, her eyes dark with desire. She leans down and captures your lips in a deep, passionate kiss, her tongue dancing against yours. As she breaks the kiss, she pulls back slightly, her cock still buried inside you. "Mmm..."

"Yes, mommy?" I questioned as I felt her still her movements inside of me.

Natasha chuckles softly, her eyes sparkling with mischief. She leans down and whispers into your ear. "I'm going to fill you up with my cum, baby. Do you want that?"

I nodded eagerly, wanting to be her cumdump more than anything.

With a low growl, Natasha starts thrusting harder and faster again, her cock hitting all the right spots inside you. You can feel her building up to cumming as she pounds into you relentlessly. "You're going to take every drop of it, baby."

I nodded like the little slut I was, spreading my legs just a little wider as I let out moans after moans.

With a final thrust, Natasha releases her pent-up cum inside you, filling your insides with hot liquid. She shudders as she climaxes, her body trembling against yours. "Oh fuck...I'm going to love having you as my personal fucktoy."

I moaned and threw my head back as I felt her warm thick cum shoot deep in me.

With a wicked grin, Natasha grabs your hips and starts pulling you out of her. She's not done with you yet. "I need to take care of that little mess inside you."

I nodded, I was breathless and panting, "okay, mommy," I panted out as I let my breathing slow.

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