books and fucks *

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TW : read and find out (though this one is less intense than the others so there isn't much)

I was lying down comfortablely on my back in bed, I was peacefully reading one of my favorite books. carefully skimming through the pages, taking in the information slowly. I was in shorts and a loose top.

Wanda strides into your room with an air of grace and allure. She takes in the sight of you, her gaze lingering on your bare legs and the gentle curves of your body. A knowing smile plays at the corner of her lips as she makes her way towards you.

I wasn't fully aware of her presence just yet, being lost in my book. I was so engrossed in it, I loved it.

Wanda approaches you slowly, not wanting to startle you. She perches on the edge of the bed, her eyes never leaving your form as she takes in every detail. The sound of her soft breathing fills the room as she reaches out a hand to gently brush your leg.

I shivered slightly at her touch because it wasn't too expected, and I looked up at her from my book. "Is there something you want?"

Wanda's smile widens as she hears your voice, her gaze filled with desire and longing. She leans in closer, her lips almost brushing against your ear as she speaks. "Oh, my dear, I want so much more than you can imagine."

I blushed faintly and tilted my head to the side in confusion. "And that is?"

Wanda's eyes sparkle with delight as she sees the confusion and curiosity on your face. She leans back slightly, her gaze lingering on your lips before she answers. "I want to explore every inch of your body, my dear."

my blush darked as I processed what she said, and I thought about it for a bit. "And why is that?"

Wanda's expression softens as she takes in your innocence and uncertainty. She reaches out to cup your cheek, her thumb gently brushing away a stray tear. "Because I desire you, my dear. You are the only one who can truly fill this void within me."

I shrugged and thought about her answer for a bit before replying. "But, why me? we're both girls, I'm sure there's literally nothing to fill.. that void here."

Wanda's gaze softens as she hears your uncertainty, and she leans in to press a gentle kiss to your lips. "My love, sexual orientation is not determined by what is between our legs. and plus.. have you ever heard of sex toys?"

I tilted my head again in confusion and shook my head. Though, the question did make me a little flustered.

Wanda chuckles softly as she sees the confusion on your face, and she takes a moment to gather her thoughts. "Sexual orientation is determined by who we are attracted to and who we want to be intimate with. And as for sex toys, they are objects used to enhance pleasure during sexual activities."

I blushed, and my legs subconsciously closed, an unfamiliar wetness growing between them.

Wanda notices the blush on your cheeks and the way your legs close together. She takes it as a sign of your arousal, her own desire growing. "are you wet, my little girl?"

my blush darkened at the question, and I looked down and nodded slowly. "I.. think."

Wanda's eyes light up at your admission and she reaches out to gently touch your thigh, her fingers tracing the outline of your pussy through your clothes. "You're soaked" She says softly.

I whimpered and nodded as my body arched.

Wanda's touch ignites a fire within you, and you can feel yourself growing even wetter. The sensation is overwhelming but also thrilling. She slides her hand up your thigh and gently cups your pussy, applying pressure to the aching bundle of nerves. "Does that feel good?"

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