Chapter TWO: Oh, Charo! ❤️‍🩹

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"Falling for him wasn't falling at all. It was walking into a house and suddenly knowing you're home"


June 1979- Malacañang Palace

Six months.

I've prepared and trained for this very exact moment. After I've been discharged, day in and day out.. this mission is all I think about.

I've memorized the protocols, I've underwent physical training and I familiarized myself with the whole floor plan of the palace. Last week, I received Irene's profile.

Her allergies, her schedule, her proscribe list of acquaintances, her after school activities.. you name it, it's all there.

All that's left is for me to act upon what was planned.

Today is my first day as Irene's CPO, and today also is her first day of school. She permanently returned last year from London to start her college education here. But since she lacks units in Filipino, she spent up until summer making up for the credentials she needed to get into college.

I need to give it to her.
She's patient and very persistent. And if I may add, she's humble too. She can easily pull off some strings to give her exemption for all that she missed, but she didn't.

To spend the whole summer learning about Rizal and other Filipino lesson is something I don't think I can do. But there's this one particular story about her Ateneo summer class that I am not fond of.

Some people are trying to match her to Noynoy, in hope that if they actually became a couple, Irene can persuade her father to free Ninoy.

Are they out of their mind?

Not to mention, Noynoy looks like a wimpy kid! Irene should be with someone who can protect her! Eh puta! Mukha pang mas kaya ni Irene na sumuntok kaysa dun ahh! Mag isip nga sila!

Shit! I cannot let these thoughts ruin my first day!

I was about to check my watch when I receive an incoming private message through my HT radio.

'Baby girl is on the move, do you copy?'

Woah. Fuck!

'Baby girl is on the move, do you copy?'
"Roger that"

It's show time, Baby!

Irene made a particular request to her father.

No member of Philippine Constabulary, not a single member of her Presidential Security Command guards, not even her close protection officer is to stand outside her classroom.

It was first decided that some PSC are going to dressed as civilians as cover up, but she's not having any of it.

The President is wary of this set up. He fears for her safety, as he should. Students from UP are a league of their own! And with how limited they are right now with their "freedom of speech" because of the imposition of Martial Law, I am seeing how this is going to affect Irene.

Just like with me, with our plans.. I know, I am certain that they are going to do the same.

Kung hindi mo malabanan si Ferdinand, balingan mo ang anak. In this case, it's Irene.

When she gets out, the first thing I noticed is how simple she looks.

Plain white shirt, her shoulder length hair is hanging loose, she's wearing this plain black flats paired with plain black linen pants.

Very unassuming.
She may have dressed to blend in, but I hate to say this.. she will still be standing out.

With her chinita eyes and her supple skin, she is effortlessly beautiful.

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