The Plan.

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Matteo Anderson is the perfect definition of a loving father. His daughter, Margaret, is his top priority. He has been ruthless to everybody except for his daughter. A fool for his daughter, you might say.

Matteo was sitting behind his desk, loaded with a stack of papers, when Margaret entered his office.

"Yes, princess?" He smiled, looking at his daughter.

"Dad, do you remember my teacher you met yesterday?" Grinning devilishly.

"Teacher Chris?" Matteo replied.

Teacher Chris is Margaret's homeroom teacher in 3rd grade. Yesterday was a PTC meeting at school. Chris is a warm and gentle person. No wonder Margaret likes him so much.

"Yes! Teacher Chris!" Margaret said excitedly.

"Hmm. What about him?"

"Isn't teacher Chris nice? He's sweet and handsome too."

Matteo thinks back to when they had the meeting with Marga's teacher. The one who had an outstanding record of being good with kids.

"I think he's a good teacher, sweetheart. As long as he keeps treating you well like usual, then there is no problem." Matteo said, looking at his documents again.

Margaret pouted. She wanted her dad to be with teacher Chris. It seems like Matteo couldn't take the hint.


Matteo is in his club as usual. His club, also his workplace, is where all the nasty business takes place.

"Boss, we have new dancers today. Three women and one male."

"Give me their profiles." While looking at the profile documents, he noticed that the one male who joined in was Teacher Chris.

"Chris Luderford?" Matteo smirked as he read Chris' name out loud.


Matteo watched Chris performing on stage. Wearing a vulgar outfit that shows his ass and chest. Dancing seductively to entice male audiences.

Matteo bit his lip as he got an erection.

Chris was the star of the night. After performing, Matteo grabbed his wrist to get him off the stage.

"What the- Let me go!" Chris shouted, brushing Matteo off.

"Who would have thought that my daughter's teacher is a slut?" Matteo stated, holding Chris's chin.

Chris was embarrassed. He didn't expect to see Matteo in that kind of place.

"I think you got the...wrong person..."

Matteo on the other hand, is busy checking out Chris. Licking his lips while looking at Chris's ass. He's having a hard time keeping his hands on himself and not touching Chris's delicate body.

"Are you...going to tell anybody?" Chris added. His voice trembling.

"What? That you're here in my club, shaking that ass in front of people?" Matteo said sarcastically.

"Your club?" Eyes widened. "I didn't know this club was yours."

"Well, I don't really care about what you did, but, I don't want you dancing in front of those filthy men again," Matteo said. His voice was stern yet gentle.

"Instead, I want you to dance for me. Only me." Matteo added. Grinning devilishly.

Margaret is waiting for her dad to come home. It's way past her bedtime; it seems like his dad won't come home tonight.

She knows that her parents dislike each other. Margaret doesn't particularly hate her mother, but she does respect her. She likes her dad more. Her mom is somewhere else in the country, busy dating her girlfriend. Margaret wants her dad to be happy, she believes that she alone will not be enough. That's why she came to the conclusion that Teacher Chris and her dad would be good together.

I guess her wish came true. Matteo and Chris are busy fucking each other right now.

"Ack! ha~ ah...~" Chris moaned from pleasure.

"You like that huh?" Matteo increased his thrusting speed. Sucking Chris's nipples until it got swollen.

They both reach their climax. Do you think they only banged twice? Thrice? No, they did it until morning. Poor Chris...


Matteo got home at 11 a.m. He went to Margaret's room to check on his daughter. He kissed her forehead while rubbing his big hands on her head gently.

"Why are you still in bed, baby?" He asked.

"Daddy, it's Sunday. I will laze around all day." Margaret replied. Smiling at her dad. "Where were you last night?"

Matteo smiled. Last night was ecstatic. He can't help but smile.

"I met teacher Chris last night."

"What?! Really?"

"Princess, would you like it if teacher Chris lived with us?"

Margaret's eyes were shining. She was full of excitement. She jumped on her dad.

"Yes! Yes! Yes! I want Teacher Chris to be my dad!"

Matteo laughed. Who would have thought that he and his daughter were thinking the same thing?

"Daddy will try his best baby," Matteo said.

And that's how their little plan started. The plan is to make Teacher Chris part of their family. The rest is history; I'm sure they succeeded. Looking at their personalities, there's no way teacher Chris can resist. Chris has already developed feelings for Matteo after that one-night stand.

                                                                                                                                                       The end. 

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