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Today was Sunday, a day after my birthday. Or probably the most depressing feeling every year

Forgot to mention how my parents returned back drunk with my sassy little sister

There was no way I had to treat them after they drank

I was slowly walking downstairs, on my way to meet up with Beomgyu when my dad appeared out of nowhere

' Minhee, is that you? Go make some hangover soup ' now this was what you call a revenge plan

' Yes dad ' I impersonated Minhee and slowly left the house

Beomgyu saw my little excited face and waved at me to come over

' What'sup? Youlook sohappy '

' Let's just say..I found the perfect revenge plan. Just come over to my house later!' I pat his back as you two were walking together

' God... why is it so hot today ' I said in frustration

' I'll hold your jacket ' Beomgyu offered as you were taking off your jacket

Then I stopped walking after admiring the nature

' I feel like something's wrong '

' It's probably nothing—'

' Hey guys!' Jeongin came in between us to put us arm around me

' It's been a while? You kinda blocked me—'

' And I have every right to, now I'm clearly busy with Beomgyu ' I took Gyu's hand and held tight, keeping my grip secure

' I don't understand— we met before you and Beomgyu did!'

' It wasn't a dating competition though, it's about who likes eachother. You'll find your girl eventually '

' Dating? You two, are dating?!'

Took him a while to realise that

' Yeah... Crazy right?' Beomgyu said sarcastically as we turned back around

' Is this how it is? Has he ever bought you a gift? Has he ever—'

' Enough. Being treated well is better than a gift, he's irreplaceable. So don't think you're worth his spot ' I scoffed, having enough of his attitude

' I wish I never met him ' Beomgyu muttered covering his ears

' Trust me, you'll regret being together!' Jeongin stormed off

' He has the same surname as Jungwon— are they related?!' you gasped

' No, never. They're opposite, personality-wise but they have a lot of things in common '

' Makes sense ' I murmured

He chuckled and stopped in front of me ' You're never this awkward '

' I-I, what? I'm not awkward!' I denied

He gave me a stern look ' I'll just keep annoying you then—'

' Okay maybe I am. Just slightly—'

He cut me off with a quick kiss onto my lips

' Now?'

' We're here!' I tried distracting him

' The park is to the right, I know this area better than you ' he squeezed your cheek lightly

' What do I look like? Mochi?' I scoffed, he didn't take the offence since I obviously didn't mean it

He held back onto my hand as we arrived at the park, although it seemed quite full, we managed to find a spot

' Look! Ice cream!' Beomgyu turned excitedly

' Go get some then ' you laughed at him as he rushed to the truck

He arrived back and gave you your cone as he was having his own

' Beomgyu?! What are you doing with her?' Yeri snapped at us suddenly

' She's my girlfriend, why?' he said without meeting eye contact with her

' I thought that was a joke, you're serious?!' she had caught the attention of other passerby's

I tried getting up to show what she deserves but Gyu stopped me

' You saw the kiss, it's all real '

' So who am I supposed to be with? We were meant to be!'

' We? It's just you '

' Try consider Jeongin, you guys have the same vibe ' I said which made her even more furious

' They're like soulmates, they just keep getting in the way'

' Beomgyu '

' Yes?'

' Do I look stupid?'

' No! Are you crazy?! What makes you think that?'

' I thought I had ice cream on my nose ' he then grabbed a tissue to wipe my nose

' You did, but you don't look stupid. You look cute' since when was he so straightforward??

' Anyway, what do you think about prom? Who knows, it could be fun ' Beomgyu added on, probably suggesting we should go together

' Might as well, when is it again?' I questioned him as I pulled out a calendar on my phone

' Next week..'

' Next week?! We have to go shopping, now!' I rushed him up, forcing him to finish his ice cream

' What's the theme?' I paused for a split second but then he started chuckling with his smirk

' Royal masquerade or whatever, I already got you your dress ' he held my hand gently to comfort me as we say back down

' God I feel so relieved, it better look good though ' I glared at him, hoping for a good reply

' Bold of you to assume I have bad taste in clothes now ' he scoffed sarcastically

' Oh yeah! Remember how I told you about revenge on my sister? My parents should start getting ready soon, we should go, now!'

He stood up quickly as you two ran through the streets

Beomgyu went through an unfamiliar way, supposedly a shortcut he never mentioned to you

But I couldn't blame him for not introducing me to it, it was full of loud music being blasted with annoying people screaming

We were both out of breath by the time we arrived

I unlocked the door and sat onto the sofa with Beomgyu as we quickly turned on a film

Not even 5 minutes into the episodes and I heard my dad scream loud

' Jeong Minhee! You didn't make my hangover soup?!'

It's about time she felt what I had to deal with

It's about time she felt what I had to deal with

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lonely boy | CHOI BEOMGYU ✓Where stories live. Discover now