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evans front door, oxford
18th december, 1979

Evan was sat in his front room lazily watching a muggle tv show, he had just come of the telephone from speaking to his mother who lived in london when a knock at his door interrupted his peace.

He walked over to the door and on the way he grabbed his wand of the shelf in his living room. Quickly he looked through the peep hole to check if he needed to be alarmed and hold up his wand. But through tiny peep whole stood a man kinda resembling kelly walker.

As he opened the door a muffled cry came from the mans right, Kelly's mother. The pair stood in front of him with bad news brewing. Kellys mother -Molly- was a mess, her normally prestine curls were matted and her eyes were filled with salt whilst streaming down her cheeks into her mouth. Her father Ben was stone still as normal, his cold stare shot daggers into Evan's soul never once withdrawing.

"Is everything okay ?" Evan asked, his eyes filled with worry and concern. Molly shook her head quietly and began to sob. Ben put an arm round his wife and indicated for Evan to open the door wider to allow them inside "Im sorry about the mess." Evan said as he lead them into his small kitchen, "I wasn't expecting visitors."

"Not to worry, were not staying long." he said giving the un washed plates a look of disgust.

"Is everything okay Mrs Walker? Would you like a cup of tea?"

"No thank you dear, were hear to tell you some terrible news."

"What's happened ?"

"Sit down son." Ben said pulling a chair out for himself as he said so. "We (he grabbed his wife's hand) wanted to tell you before everything got out, so you'd heard it from someone you know rather than the morning papers, unfortunately tonight (he took a deep breath) Kelly was killed (his voice quivered) as well as Regulus. last night it was a death eater att-" Evan couldn't listen to Ben for any longer, his eyesight clouded over, his heart sunk low and the only thought in his mind was the wish of his own death. How would he be able to survive? Without them, Kelly and Regulus, his life would be worthless. He felt like he wouldn't be able to carry on without them for they were his all.

His thoughts were interrupted with a click in his face from Ben, the man was stood before him like his daughter hadn't just been killed, he was unaffected. How could he be unaffected? What a prick Evan had thought with anger. His anger consumed him as he threw a punch at the man in front of him. A shocked gasp came from Molly as she grabbed her husband's arm, making sure he was okay.

Once Ben had stood back up, he pointed a finger in Evan's face "You're a prick. I'm so glad my daughter didn't get to spend any more of her precious time with you dick face. Come on Molly lets go," and with that the two stormed out the door leaving a crying Evan angry, heartbroken, lost and most devastatingly alone.

542 words


expect more updates my loves x

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