Green going to the doctor

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Green's mom came and was feeling really bad for her because her adhd is just getting a little worse now but green's mom promised her that she will be ok and she promised that she will be ok, green was the only one that understands her mom and her mom understands her too. Green is trying to apologize to her mom but her mom said don't worry about it and that she will talk about it later. But green still felt guilty about what she did to her self and giving people a hard time. Green and her mom had just arrived at the doctor and checked green in and then green and her mom sits at the seat and then green asked if her mom is mad at her. Her mom said no she is not mad at her for what she did because she knew that green is trying her very best to get it together. As soon her psychiatrist called her name, green gets out of the seat and goes with her psychiatrist. After a check up, green went to the psychiatrist room to ask green how she is doing, her mom told
Her what happen and said that she don't blame her for the situation but her mom has no time for the messed up situation that green has went through so green told her psychiatrist that her attention span is very short and that she may need another medication for her adhd so she can increase her attention span again. Her psychiatrist is telling her mom that he will fine a medication that will treat her autism and adhd so her medication will be changed into 4 medications in total. Green's mom was happy for green because she is tired of green throwing meltdowns all the time and get frustrated because of her attention span. So green was wondering if she will now behave at school and listen to what her mom and teachers told her to do. Green was now crying in tears a little bit because she felt bad for her teachers and she believed that her teachers are upset. So she decided to ask her mom if she can make the apology note for her teachers and staffs. Her mom said yes she can make a note for her teachers.

As they get home, green went upstairs to her room in tears because she felt very bad for her teachers and how she treated them. Then her mom came upstairs to talk to her.

Green's mom: hey green...
Green: mom, I'm sorry-
Green's mom: is ok, just do what you can ok?
Green: ok...
So green apologized to her mom too for how she acted. She then make an apology note for her teachers.

Apology note: dear Ms songey, I'm very sorry for being rude to all of your students including red jolly. I knew what I did was wrong because mom gave me a warning to not do those things ever again. Such as going to the bathroom while you guys give out instructions and also saying to all of you guys I don't care. So I apologize for saying I don't care. But i really hope you will forgive me, if you don't forgive me. That's fine. But I will still respect you all and staffs too and will not say I don't care anymore.

From green.❤️

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⏰ Last updated: May 08 ⏰

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