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Previously on Grimm
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I drifted off to sleep and had a vivid dream that felt real...too real.
                     --- ---- ---- ---
                 During the night
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I ducked to the ground as a loud crash filled the room, and a vase crashed against the wall with a shattering sound. My heart raced as my father's voice boomed through the house, "Get him away from me! That boy is dangerous!" My mother's voice trembled as she tried to calm him down, but he seemed beyond reason. I spoke softly, my voice shaking with fear, "Dad, please calm down. I won't hurt you. It's okay, just put down the lamp." The tension in the room was palpable, and I braced myself for what might happen next.

"that kid. He's a monster! I'll tell you! He's a god damned monster!" he shouts. "He will kill you, me, everyone. Keep him away!" he shouts for the final time before throwing the lampshade at my feet, missing me by a foot. I looked around the messy living room as my mother argued with my father. I finally understood why he was acting very erratic. Right there on the floor laid his pipe."He's high." I said in disbelief. "what? Your father isn't high. He went to rehab, remember? He completed all his courses. There's no way he can be, right?" Mama said. "Right?" she repeated in denial. I walked near the right side of the couch and picked up the pipe. I held it in my hands and turned towards my mom. I showed her what I had just found. Her eyes grew big.

"Get out of my home. Now, you are a danger to me and my child. Go!' My mother shouted at my father. He was still breathing erratically. " Can't you see Loraine? I am trying to protect you-" "Protect who?! You aren't trying to protect me. You're trying to kill me!" she cut him off. "If anything. You're the monster!" She continues with her shouting. "Fine, I'll leave! But when he turns on you, don't say I didn't warn you!" He shouts as he grabs his jacket and rushes out the front door.

*Err! Err! Err! Err! Er-click!*

I click off the alarm clock i got sitting on my night table on the right side of my bed. "" I said as I rubbed my eyes and got out of bed. I started making my way to the bathroom. I look at my back to see if my tattoos is still there. damn they still there? Thats krazy, with a k.

My father's words rang in my head like an alarm bell. I refuse to tolerate hurtful words from the one person I'm supposed to look up to. It isn't ok for someone to snap at their kids like that. Witnessing someone act so erratically because of a bad trip was downright scary. Such behavior is simply unacceptable. But I couldn't help but think, why did he call me a Grimm?

What is a Grimm? Why do I have wings growing out of my back? Who was that man under the bridge? I have a lot of questions running through my mind at the moment. I don't have enough time to think.

After a few minutes, I get my backpack and head to the kitchen. Mama made breakfast. "Hey Ma, how'd you sleep?" I asked as I sat down at the table. "I slept well, my love. How did you sleep?" She asked as she lay a few fried eggs on my plate.

"I ain't sleep well at all. I keep having nightmares of the time Dad and I had that face-off in the living room." I say honestly. "Oh honey, you'll be fine. He was going through a hard time. We all go through hard times. Hopefully, he'll learn to overcome whatever fear he was struggling with." She says as she rubs my back for comfort.

I shrug her hands off my back with an attitude, "And you think I don't know that? Ma, he threw a fucking lamp at me! That shit could have hit me in my fucking head and possibly knocked me out." I shouted. "You bet not raise your damn voice at me." She said, her fingers in my face. "I'm the damn parent, not you." She states.

I stare blankly at my plate, debating whether or not I should eat. I grabbed my backpack off the floor and headed straight to the front door. "Where are you going, Kai?" Ma shouted. "Out, where the fuck else am I supposed to go? To the moon?" I said blankly. I grabbed my keys and checked my phone while closing the door to lock it. I don't have time arguing with her when she knows I'm right by what I said.


I got a text from Jayce, I opened it to see what it's about.

Jayce🥸: Get your ass to the Bodega, STAT.

It read. I clicked my phone off and booked it through the small hallways of my apartment complex.  Eventually reaching the main doors my phone chimed again.

Jayce🥸: That dudes back, and you know who.

Kai🫡: Nigga who? I know alota people b specific.

Jayce🥸: The scrawny mf from the bridge!!

Kai🫡: The dude who turned into mist?! Gtfo of there bruh!

Jayce🥸: I CAN'T! Unc Jim and Unc Lee talking to him rn and I'm stuck in the back of the Bodega where the chips is. The back door is open come through there. I'll see you in a bit, and hurry yo ass up!!!

Kai🫡: stop yelling at me befo I leave yo ass stuck in that corner. I'm coming I'm 2 blocks away.

Jayce🥸: 2 blocks??! Nigga 2 BLOCKS AWAY?! I'm ded bruh💀.

Kai🫡: bye Jayce.🙄😒.

I clicked my phone off and continued walking. School starts in 3 hours, it's 5:42 am right now. I still gotta get some stuff from the Bodega anyway. I should have enough time to do whatever I guess.

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