chapter three

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"This is the briefcase you're supposed to hand over to Rico," Rena Maverix's voice carried in a low whisper across the empty valley as it echoed back. The distant thunder signaling an impending storm, yet Havoc, Zven Havoc remained undeterred, risking her life as if it held zero significance to her, which really didn't.

With a step towards Rena, Zven reached for the briefcase, her gaze fixating on the engraved name, 'Rico Rodriguez.' And instantly, a stream of curses formed in her mind.

This was the same motherfcker who caused chaos and trouble in her life. He was one of the people who shaped her into the person she is today - a criminal.

Despite the storm of anger and hatred brewing within her, Zven composed herself, directing her focus towards Rena. She held out her hand, coldly asking, "Keys?"

Rena's forgetfulness about the keys became apparent as she frantically searched through all her pockets, only to come up empty-handed. This not only displeased Zven but also pushed her closer to the edge of her temper. "Fck," Rena cursed under her breath, noticing Zven's growing agitation as she gritted her teeth.

A tense silence hung between them as Rena met Zven's intense gaze, feeling a shiver down her spine. After a moment of hesitation, she admitted, "I-I left them in the room." Zven dropped the briefcase with a thud, advancing toward Rena, who swallowed hard, feeling a lump form in her throat as she took a hesitant step back.

She flinched when Zven harshly grabbed her by her collar, pressing her against the rough concrete wall. "You left the fckng key in the room you stole this from?" Zven's voice dripped with anger. Rena could only tremble and nod in response.

Zven's rage surged, her hand tightening around Rena's collar, leaving her struggling for air. With a swift motion, Zven drew her gun from her back pocket, aiming it directly at Rena's forehead.

"Get me those keys."

"I need those keys," she demanded, her nails digging into Rena's skin.

It was clear how easily her inner beast could overwhelm her; self-control had long left her. Zven eased her grip slightly, allowing Rena to speak. "They... they already saw me. They'll k-kill me now," Rena stammered. 'I'll be the only one killing you and feeding you to the street dogs after I'm done with this shit.'

The only viable solution now was for Zven to enter that dreaded room herself. She couldn't guarantee her return, but there was no time for hesitation, just mere action. She released her grip on Rena, who collapsed gasping for air.

If Rena hadn't been a pawn in Rico's game, Zven might have pulled the trigger long ago.

However, moving with the knowledge that Rena was the key to Rico's downfall held her back, preventing her from doing all those deadly sins. Zven tossed the briefcase onto Rena's chest, eliciting a groan of pain.

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